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See also: ер, эр, Ер, and ёр





Borrowed from French -eur. The suffix was originally borrowed as a part of French-derived words such as жонглёр (žongljór, juggler) from French jongleur and дублёр (dubljór, understudy, stunt double) from French doubleur, and later extracted out as a productive suffix. In some cases the suffix replaces French -aire in words borrowed from French, e.g. волонтёр (volontjór, volunteer) from French volontaire, and English -er in words borrowed from English, e.g. маркёр (markjór, marker (various senses)) from English marker.





-ёр (-jór)

  1. Suffix added to nouns and verbs to form agent nouns.
    ша́хта (šáxta, mine, pit) + ‎-ёр (-jór) → ‎шахтёр (šaxtjór, miner, pitman)
    уха́ж(ивать) (uxáž(ivatʹ), to court, to date) + ‎-ёр (-jór) → ‎ухажёр (uxažór, admirer, boyfriend, lady's man)



Derived terms
