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Javanese writing system
Carakan ꦏꦸꦭ
Pegon كولا
Roman kula (Standard), kulo



Inherited from Old Javanese kula (family, descent, origin), from Sanskrit कुल (kula, family; clan; lineage; herd; flock).





ꦏꦸꦭ (kula)

  1. noble lineage


Javanese register set
ꦏꦿꦩꦲꦤ꧀ꦝꦥ꧀ (krama andhap): ꦲꦢꦊꦩ꧀ (adalem)
ꦏꦿꦩ (krama): ꦏꦸꦭ (kula)
ꦔꦺꦴꦏꦺꦴ (ngoko): ꦲꦏꦸ (aku)

ꦏꦸꦭ (kula) (personal pronoun)

  1. I (personal pronoun)
  2. me (direct object of a verb)
  3. me (object of a preposition)
  4. me (indirect object of a verb)
  5. my (belonging to me)

Derived terms



  • Malay: kula
  • Musi: kulo

See also

Javanese personal pronouns
freestanding form prefix suffix
ngoko madya krama higher krama
first person singular ꦲꦏꦸ (aku) ꦏꦸꦭ (kula) ꦢꦊꦩ꧀ (dalem) ꦠꦏ꧀- (tak-),
ꦢꦏ꧀- (dak-)
-ꦏꦸ (-ku)
plural exclusive ꦏꦩꦶ (kami)
plural inclusive ꦏꦶꦠ (kita)
second person ꦏꦺꦴꦮꦺ (kowé) ꦱꦩꦁ (samang) ꦱꦩ꧀ꦥꦺꦪꦤ꧀ (sampéyan) ꦥꦚ꧀ꦗꦼꦤꦼꦔꦤ꧀ (panjenengan) ꦏꦺꦴ- (ko-),
ꦏꦺꦴꦏ꧀- (kok-)
-ꦩꦸ (-mu)
third person ꦝꦺꦮꦺꦏꦺ (dhèwèké) ꦥꦶꦪꦩ꧀ꦧꦏꦶꦥꦸꦤ꧀ (piyambakipun) ꦥꦚ꧀ꦗꦼꦤꦼꦔꦤꦺ (panjenengané),
ꦥꦚ꧀ꦗꦼꦤꦼꦔꦤꦶꦥꦸꦤ꧀ (panjenenganipun)
-ꦤꦺ (-né), -ꦤꦶꦥꦸꦤ꧀ (-nipun)
  • The personal pronouns may vary depending on the dialect.
  • The second and third person pronouns are often replaced by kinship terms, titles, or the like.

See each entry for more information.

Further reading

  • The Linguistic Center of Yogyakarta (2011) “kula”, in Kamus Basa Jawa (Bausastra Jawa) [Javanese Language Dictionary (Javanese Dictionary)] (in Javanese), 2nd edition, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, →ISBN