For pronunciation and definitions of しゅん – see the following entries.
- [noun] season (of something, as in "in season")
(This term, しゅん (shun), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.) For a list of all kanji read as しゅん, see Category:Japanese kanji read as しゅん.)
(The following entries do not have a page created for them yet: 順, 準, 純, 瞬, 巡, 盾, 准, 殉, 循, 遵, 唇, 迅, 惇, 洵, 淳, 竣, 舜, 訊, 詢, 諄, 遁, 醇, 隼, 馴, 舛, 儁, 徇, 恂, 悛, 惷, 浚, 濬, 皴, 筍, 笋, 脣, 荀, 蠢, 蹲, 逡, 鰆, 峋, 珣, 眴, 郇, 忳, 暙, 踆, 𨩃, 㑓, 嶟, 旾, 榫, 畇, 箰, 肫, 萅, 踳.)