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From Proto-Mordvinic *ťejəms, compare Erzya теемс (tejems), from Proto-Uralic *teke-. Cognate with Finnish tehdä, Karelian tehtä, Estonian tegema, Hungarian tesz.


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тиемс (tijems)

  1. (transitive) to make
  2. (transitive) to do
    • O. Je. Poljakov (1993) Russko-mokšanskij razgovornik [Russian-Moksha phrasebook], Saransk: Mordovskoje knižnoje izdatelʹstvo, →ISBN
      Мезе тинь ёратада (тон ёрат) тиемс?
      Meze tiń joratada (ton jorat) tijems ?
      What do you [pl.] (you [sg.]) want to do?
    • Fenno-Ugrica
      Урядниксь (попавати). Матушка, тик обыск тейнза! (Попавась тии личнай обыск Надежда Петровнанди. Урядниксь—Лавровонди).
      Urädnikś (popavati). Matuška, tik obïsk tejnza! (Popavaś tiji ličnaj obïsk Nadežda Petrovnandi. Urädnikś—Lavrovondi).
      Village constable (addressing pop's wife(?)). Mother, perform a search (~ patdown) on her! (Pop's wife performs a search on Nadežda Petrovna. Village constable — on Lavrov).



Coordinate terms
