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From мора (mora, song; melody).[1]



IPA(key): /morɑms/

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морамс (morams)

  1. (transitive) to sing
    • O. Je. Poljakov (1995) Učimsja govoritʹ po-mokšanski [Let's learn to speak Moksha], Saransk: Mordovskoje knižnoje izdatelʹstvo, →ISBN
      Стирьхне морасть сяда цебярьста
      Stirxne morasť säda cebäŕsta
      The girls sang better
      I would sing
      Morams morak morada
      To singsing! [sg.] — sing! [pl.]
  2. (transitive, on a musical instrument) to play
    • V. I. Ščankina (2011) Russko-mokšansko-erzjanskij slovarʹ [Russian-Moksha-Erzya Dictionary], Saransk, →ISBN
      играть — 2. морамс (на муз. инструменте)
      igrať — 2. morams (na muz. instrumente)
      to play [in Russian] — 2. to play (on a musical instrument [in Russian])
      трубить — морамс трубаса
      trubiť — morams trubasa
      to play the trumpet (figuratively "to proclaim from the rooftops," etc.) [in Russian] — to play the trumpet
  3. (transitive, in front of an audience) to perform
    • V. I. Ščankina (2011) Russko-mokšansko-erzjanskij slovarʹ [Russian-Moksha-Erzya Dictionary], Saransk, →ISBN
      исполнить — 2. морамс, налхкомс (выступить публично)
      ispolniť — 2. morams , nalxkoms (vïstupiť publično)
      to perform [in Russian] — 2. to perform (to perform publicly [in Russian])
  4. (transitive, to reproduce the melody of a song) to hum
    • V. I. Ščankina (2011) Russko-mokšansko-erzjanskij slovarʹ [Russian-Moksha-Erzya Dictionary], Saransk, →ISBN
      наиграть — 2. морамс, лятфтамс мороть кайгоманц (напеть)
      najigrať — 2. morams , lätftams moroť kajgomanc (napeť)
      to play [in Russian] — 2. to hum (to hum [in Russian])
      напеть — 1. морамс, лятфтамс мороть кайгоманц (спеть, напомнить мотив)
      napeť — 1. morams , lätftams moroť kajgomanc (speť, napomniť motiv)
      to hum [in Russian] — 1. to hum (to produce a sound reminding of the melody [in Russian])
  5. to chirp
    • V. I. Ščankina (2011) Russko-mokšansko-erzjanskij slovarʹ [Russian-Moksha-Erzya Dictionary], Saransk, →ISBN
      щебетать — чильнямс, морамс
      ščebetať — čilnäms, morams
      to chirp [in Russian] — to chirp
  6. (transitive, in songs or hymns) to praise, laud
    • V. I. Ščankina (2011) Russko-mokšansko-erzjanskij slovarʹ [Russian-Moksha-Erzya Dictionary], Saransk, →ISBN
      воспеть — морамс, шнамс
      vospeť — morams , šnams
      to praise [in Russian] — to praise



Derived terms



  1. ^ Veršinin, V. I. (2005) Этимологический словарь мордовских (эрзянского и мокшанского) языков [Etymological dictionary of Mordvinic (Erzya and Moksha) languages] (in Russian), volume 3, Joškar Ola, page 259