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See also: cuti, cutí, and чути





Inherited from Proto-Slavic *čuti.


  • IPA(key): /t͡ʃûti/
  • Hyphenation: ču‧ti



čȕti impf or pf (Cyrillic spelling чу̏ти)

  1. (ambitransitive) to hear
    Čujem vas.I hear you.
  2. (reflexive) to hear from
    On i ja se nismo čuli godinama.
    He and I haven't heard from each other in years.
  3. (transitive, regional) to smell


Conjugation of čuti
infinitive čuti
present verbal adverb čuvši
past verbal adverb čȗvši
verbal noun čùvēnje
singular plural
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
present čujem čuješ čuje čujemo čujete čuju
future future I čut ću1
čut ćeš1
čut će1
čut ćemo1
čut ćete1
čut ćē1
future II bȕdēm čuo2 bȕdēš čuo2 bȕdē čuo2 bȕdēmo čuli2 bȕdēte čuli2 bȕdū čuli2
past perfect čuo sam2 čuo si2 čuo je2 čuli smo2 čuli ste2 čuli su2
pluperfect3 bȉo sam čuo2 bȉo si čuo2 bȉo je čuo2 bíli smo čuli2 bíli ste čuli2 bíli su čuli2
aorist čuh ču ču čusmo čuste čuše
imperfect čujah čujaše čujaše čujasmo čujaste čujahu
conditional conditional I čuo bih2 čuo bi2 čuo bi2 čuli bismo2 čuli biste2 čuli bi2
conditional II4 bȉo bih čuo2 bȉo bi čuo2 bȉo bi čuo2 bíli bismo čuli2 bíli biste čuli2 bíli bi čuli2
imperative čuj čujmo čujte
active past participle čuo m / čula f / čulo n čuli m / čule f / čula n
passive past participle čuven m / čuvena f / čuveno n čuveni m / čuvene f / čuvena n

1   Croatian spelling: others omit the infinitive suffix completely and bind the clitic.
2   For masculine nouns; a feminine or neuter agent would use the feminine and neuter gender forms of the active past participle and auxiliary verb, respectively.
3   Often replaced by the past perfect in colloquial speech, i.e. the auxiliary verb biti (to be) is routinely dropped.
4   Often replaced by the conditional I in colloquial speech, i.e. the auxiliary verb biti (to be) is routinely dropped.
  *Note: The aorist and imperfect were not present in, or have nowadays fallen into disuse in, many dialects and therefore they are routinely replaced by the past perfect in both formal and colloquial speech.

Derived terms


See also






Inherited from Proto-Slavic *čuti.





čúti impf or pf

  1. (transitive, colloquial, archaic) to hear
    Synonym: slíšati



Class I, accentual type IIA (accent is directly before infinitive ending and not directly before present indicative endings), perfective and imperfective:

Infinitive čúti (ø-ti)
long infinitive1 čúti
short infinitive2 čūt, čȕt
supine čȗt, čȕt pf, čȗt impf
1 Usually only written, except in very formal contexts
2 In spoken formal language, colloquial
masculine feminine neuter
singular čȗł, čȕł čúla čūlȍ
dual čūlȁ čūlȉ čūlȉ
plural čūlȉ čūlȅ čūlȁ
n-/t-participle (passive participle)
masculine feminine neuter
singular čȗt čȗta čȗto
dual čȗta čȗti čȗti
plural čȗti čȗte čȗta
masculine feminine neuter
singular čȗvši čȗvša čȗvše
dual čȗvša čȗvši čȗvši
plural čȗvši čȗvše čȗvša
adverbial š-participle čȗvši
true gerund čūtje
objectified gerund
Present stem čȗjem (je-m)
present indicative
singular dual plural
1st person čȗjem čȗjeva, čȗjema čȗjemo
2nd person čȗješ čȗjeta, čȗjesta čȗjete, čȗjeste
3rd person čȗje čȗjeta, čȗjesta čȗjejo
singular dual plural
1st person čūj čūjva, čūjma čūjmo
2nd person čūj čūjta čūjte
3rd person čūj čūjta
masculine feminine neuter , čujọ́ča
singular čujȅč, čujọ̄č, čujȍč čujẹ́ča, čujọ́ča čujẹ́če, čujọ́če
dual čujẹ́ča, čujọ́ča čujẹ́či, čujọ́či čujẹ́či, čujọ́či
plural čujẹ́či, čujọ́či čujẹ́če, čujọ́če čujẹ́ča, čujọ́ča
adverbial participles
č-participle čujȅč, čujẹ̄č, čujọ̄č

Derived terms


Further reading

  • čuti”, in Slovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, portal Fran
  • čuti”, in Termania, Amebis
  • See also the general references