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xe hai bánh

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xe (vehicle) +‎ hai (two) +‎ bánh (wheel).





xe hai bánh

  1. (chiefly law) a two-wheeled vehicle such as a bicycle or motorcycle, as opposed to a three-wheeled one such as a rickshaw or a four-wheeled one such as a car or a truck, that is allowed on certain roads or to run certain red lights
    Xe hai bánh được phép vượt đèn đỏ bất cứ khi nào ở ngã tư này, nhưng chỉ được phép vượt đèn đỏ khi rẽ phải ở ngã tư kia.
    Two-wheelers are allowed to run red lights at any time at this crossroads, but only when they make a right turn at the other crossroads.