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From the same source as vanna (bathtub), made into a 2nd-conjugation verb (ending -ot).


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vannot (transitive, 2nd conjugation, present vannoju, vanno, vanno, past vannoju)

  1. to bathe, wash (someone, something) in a bathtub, to make someone take a bath in a bathtub
    vannot slimniekuto bathe a (medical) patient
    vannot sāpošu rokuto bathe a sore arm (in a bathtub)
    slimais bērns svīst, un tāpēc viņš bieži jāvannothe sick child sweats, and because of that he must be bathed often
    kad bērni bija mazi, vīrs bieži viņus baroja, vannoja, mazgāja drēbīteswhen the children were small, (my) husband often fed and bathed (them) and washed (their) little clothes


Conjugation of vannot
indicative (īstenības izteiksme) imperative
(pavēles izteiksme)
1st person sg es vannoju vannoju vannošu
2nd person sg tu vanno vannoji vannosi vanno
3rd person sg viņš, viņa vanno vannoja vannos lai vanno
1st person pl mēs vannojam vannojām vannosim vannosim
2nd person pl jūs vannojat vannojāt vannosiet,
3rd person pl viņi, viņas vanno vannoja vannos lai vanno
renarrative (atstāstījuma izteiksme) participles (divdabji)
present vannojot present active 1 (adj.) vannojošs
past esot vannojis present active 2 (adv.) vannodams
future vannošot present active 3 (adv.) vannojot
imperative lai vannojot present active 4 (obj.) vannojam
conditional (vēlējuma izteiksme) past active vannojis
present vannotu present passive vannojams
past būtu vannojis past passive vannots
debitive (vajadzības izteiksme) nominal forms
indicative (būt) jāvanno infinitive (nenoteiksme) vannot
conjunctive 1 esot jāvanno negative infinitive nevannot
conjunctive 2 jāvannojot verbal noun vannošana