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välja kutsuma

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  • IPA(key): /ˈvæljɑ kutsumɑ/, [ˈvælʲjɑ̈ kutsumɑ]
  • Rhymes: -utsumɑ
  • Hyphenation: väl‧ja kut‧su‧ma



välja kutsuma (da-infinitive välja kutsuda) (transitive)

  1. to call out (outside of a specific place)
    Kutsusin ta toast välja.I called him/her out of the room.
    Õpilane kutsuti tunnist välja.The student was called out of class.
  2. to call out (to a specific place)
    kiirabi välja kutsumacall an ambulance
    Ma helistasin ja kutsusin remondimehed välja.I phoned and called out the repairmen.
    1. to call upon, to officially call out (summon someone to give a formal account, evidence, etc.)
      Teda tahetakse tunnistajana välja kutsuda.They want to call upon him/her as a witness.
      Direktor laskis osakonnajuhatajad välja kutsuda.The director called out the heads of department.
    2. to encore (call again with a round of applause)
  3. to challenge (propose a match or fight)
    Kutsusime neid välja males.We challenged them to a game of chess.
    Rüütel kutsus oma vastase välja võitluseks elu ja surma peale.The knight challenged his opponent to a fight to the death.
  4. to evoke, to elicit, to call forth
    Ta kutsus oma sõnadega välja vastaste viha.With his words, he provoked the wrath of his opponents.
    Uuendused on alati kutsunud välja ka vastuseisu.Innovation has always evoked opposition.



Derived terms



  • välja kutsuma in Sõnaveeb (Eesti Keele Instituut)
  • välja kutsuma”, in [EKSS] Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat [Descriptive Dictionary of the Estonian Language] (in Estonian) (online version), Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus (Estonian Language Foundation), 2009