[edit]uzdot (transitive, no conjugation, present uzdodu, uzdod, uzdod, past uzdevu)
- to raise, to lift, e.g., hay, straw, etc.
- uzdot sienu uz vezuma ― to lift, load hay on a cart (e.g., with pitchforks)
- uzdot uz kaudzes ― to lift (= put) (hay) in heaps
- vīrieši rudzu kūlīšus pienesa pie kuļmašīnas un uzdeva augšā ― the men brought the rye sheaves to the threshing mashine and gave (= put, threw) it up (on it)
- to give someone a task (to carry out), a problem (to solve), to ask someone a question
- uzdot izstrādāt projektu ― to give (someone) a project to work on
- uzdot paziņot par sanāksmi ― to ask for a meeting to be announced
- uzdot jautājumus lieciniekiem ― to ask the witnesses questions
- uzdot skolēniem grūtu aritmētikas uzdevumu ― to give the students a difficult arithmetic problem
- Einšteina zinātniskais lielums, mūsuprāt, visspilgtāk izpaudās spējā uzdot jautājumus, no kuriem kļūst neomulīgi ― Einstein's scientific greatness is, in our opinion, most vividly expressed in his capacity to ask questions that make us uncomfortable
- to give, to provide (information), to make (something) be known, to declare (something) as (something)
- es viņai uzdevu tavu adresi ― I ģave her your address
- viņš vairs neatcerējās, ka reiz Inai uzdevis savas darbavietas tālruni ― he didn't remember anymore that he had given Ina his work phone number
- uzdot kaimiņu par liecinieku tiesā ― to give (= declare) a neighbor as a witness in court
- uzdot pie vainīgu ― to give (= declare) (someone) as guilty
- uzdot kādu pie tiesas ― to give (= sue) someone in court
- mašīna pēc uzdotās programmas vada eksperimentu, skaitļo un koriģē ― the machine, after (= following) the given program, carries out an experiment, computes (the results) and corrects (them)
- (music, of tones, voices) to give (to make, e.g. a choir, sing at the desired volume and pitch by producing the first few sounds, notes; also metaphorically)
- Ārgals aizsteidzās sakārtot un jau iepriekš uzdot balsis, lai kamertonis nav jātinkšina vēlāk, publikas priekšā ― Ārgals hurried to arrange (everything) and give voices (= tone) in advance, so that later it wouldn't be necessary to sound the tuning fork in front of the public
- sarunai toni, kā zināms, uzdod pārskata ziņojums ― the tone of the conversation, as is known, was given by the review report
- (colloquial) to give (blows), to hit (also metaphorically
- bet viens uzdevis šai ar pātagu, lai lasoties projām ― but one (of them) gave (= hit) her with a whip, to make her move forward
- saule pa pusdienlaiku uzdod tādu izmisīgu karstumu, no kura pat vakaram pietiek siltuma ― at noon the sun gives(= hits with) such desperate heat that it is enough for heating at night
- (dated, of clothing) to give to be immediately put on
- kad dēls beidzot pārradās mājās, Līzbete tās piesmirdušās skrandas iesvieda krāsnī, uzdeva mugurā jauno kārtu ― when the son finally came home, Līzbete threw (his) dirty rags into the oven (and) gave him new clothes (to wear)
- (colloquial) to give, to yield (to not endure, to stopmaking efforts, to not work normally)
- nervi uzdod ― (his) nerves yield (= can't stand the pressure, stress)
- acis sāka uzdot ― (his) eyes began to yield (= he began losing his vision)
- karsts tomēr drausmīgi, viņai jau pamazām uzdeva sirds, katra mazākā kustība prasīja piepūli ― but the heat (was) terrible, her heart was gradually yielding, every little move required effort
[edit]conjugation of uzdot