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From iz- +‎ cept (to roast, to fry, to bake).


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uzcept (transitive or intransitive, 1st conjugation, present uzcepu, uzcep, uzcep, past uzcepu)

  1. to roast, to bake, to fry something, usually quickly, so that it reaches the desired final state
    uzcept olas, desasto fry eggs, sausages
    Erna uzpūta plītī ogles, uzcepa kartupeļus ar speķiErna blew the stove coals (and) fried potatoes with bacon
    iekūrusi plīti, lai uzceptu pāris šķēles cūkgalās, saimniece aizgāja slaukt govihaving heated up the stove in order to roast a few slices of prok, the landlady left to milk a cow



Derived terms
