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From the same stem as traukt (to pull, to tear, to pluck) (q.v.), of which it was originally the iterative form. The original meaning can sometimes be found dialectally (traucēt ābolus “to pick apples (from a tree)”); the current standard meaning is derived by association (“to pull repeatedly (a living being, a person)” > “to annoy” > “to disturb”).[1]


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traucēt (transitive, 2nd conjugation, present traucēju, traucē, traucē, past traucēju)

  1. to disturb, to inconvenience, to bother, to interfere with (to affect adversely the actions of other people, in ways unwanted by them (e.g., by distracting their attention); to cause them problem)
    traucēt kādu ar jautājumiemto disturb someone with questions
    traucēt kādu darbāto disturb someone at work
    netraucē man strādāt!don't disturb, interfere with me working!
    vētra traucē satiksmithe storm interferes with the traffic
    troksnis traucē runātājuthe noise inconveniences the speaker
    satraukums traucē darbuagitation interferes with work
    sāpes traucē domāšanupain disturbs, interferes with thinking
    tas putns, tur ārā kliedz un mani traucēthat bird, it is screaming out there and bothering me
    pusaudži klaigā tāpēc, ka nav iemēcījušies sevi savaldīt un pat neaptver, ka citus traucēadolescents shout because they haven't (yet) learned to control themselves and don't even realize that they disturb others
    ārsts viņiem teicis, ka slimnieci neviens nedrīkst traucētthe doctor has told them that nobody should disturb the patient
    labi, es varu neruāt nemaz! un varu aiziet, lai netraucētu jūsu sarunuwell, I can (also) not speak anymore! and I can go away, so as not to disturb your conversation
    labrīt! kā klājas? ā! jūs neesat viena? vai traucēju?good morning! how are you? ah! you aren't alone? am I disturbing/interrupting something?
    darbs bija bīstams, taču taisnības labad jāatzīstas: šī apziņa mani sevišķi netraucēthe work was dangerous, but to tell the truth, I must admit: this knowledge did not particularly bother me
    ja straume netraucētu, mēs krokodilu panāktuif the stream hadn't prevented (us), we would have gotten the crocodile
  2. to disturb, to impair, to disrupt, to interfere with (to affect some process so that it changes in an unwanted way, so that it acquires unwanted, undesired characteristics)
    traucēt klusumu, naktsmieruto disturb the silence, the night's quiet
    traucēta vielmaiņadisturbed, impaired metabolism
    mitrums traucē degšanuhumidity interferes with combustion
    negaiss traucē radiopārraidistorms interfere with radiotransmissions
    parasti metamorfoze abiniekiem tiek traucēta tad, ja kāpuri spiest visu dzīves laiku uzturēt ūdenī un nevar no tā izkļūtmetamorphosis in amphibians is usually disrupted when the larvae are forced to remain their whole lives under water and cannot escape from it
    mēs šaujam; bet patlaban mūs traucē krūmi, un ne katra lode ķer mērķiwe shot; but the bushes made it more difficult (lit. disturbed us), and not every bullet hit the target



Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
other derived verbs:


  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “traucēt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN