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Estonian border post in Ikla.
Estonian southeastern border.
Border crossing in Luhamaa.



From Proto-Finnic *piiri, from Proto-Uralic *pire, see there for further etymology.

Cognates include Finnish piiri (ring; region, area), Võro piir', Karelian piirdiä (to draw), Livvi piiri (region, area), Votic piiri (line); Northern Sami birra (around), Inari Sami pirrâ, Kildin Sami пырр (pyrr) (from Proto-Samic *pirë); Erzya пире (pire, (enclosed) vegetable garden), пирявкс (piŕavks, fence), Moksha перямс (peräms, to fence in, enclose), перя (perä, fence); possibly also Komi-Zyrian бор (bor, border, garden), Southern Selkup пыр (pyr, perimeter, round) and Kamassian [script needed] (pjeri, around).


  • IPA(key): /ˈpiːr/, [ˈpiːr]
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes: -iːr
  • Hyphenation: piir



piir (genitive piiri, partitive piiri)

  1. border, boundary, frontier
    1. A conventional line and the area surrounding it, that separates territories, regions etc.
      Eesti–Läti piirthe Estonian-Latvian border
      looduslik piirnatural border
      Ületasime Saksa-Poola piiri.We crossed the German-Polish border.
      Narva asub Euroopa Liidu piiril.Narva is located at the border of the European Union.
      Piiril kontrolliti kõigi reisijate dokumente.The documents of all passengers were checked at the border.
      Vaenlane koondas oma väed piirile.The enemy gathered their forces to the border.
      Piirini on siit veel mitu kilomeetrit.The border is several kilometers away from here.
      Piir kulgeb läbi metsa.The border runs through the forest.
      • 2006, Lembe Hiedel, “„„Loomingu“ Raamatukogu“ alaeast. Märkmeid ja meenutusi aastaist 1957—1973 [About the adolescence of Loomingu Raamatukogu. Notes and memories 1957—1973]”, in Loomingu Raamatukogu[1], Tallinn, page 159:
        "Mis on silmapiir?" küsis õpetaja. "Nõukogude Liidu piir!" hõikas üks poiss tagapingist ja sai oma terase torke eest õpetaja tauniva pilgu osaliseks. Aga vastus oli viiekümnendate aastate keskpaiku üpris tabav: Nõukogude Liidus elava lihtsureliku silmaring ei ulatunud riigipiirist kaugemale.
        "What is the horizon?" the teacher asked. "The border of the Soviet Union!" a boy shouted from the back of the classroom and received a disapproving glance from the teacher for his insightful remark. But his answer was true for the middle of the 50s: the horizon of a commoner in the Soviet Union didn't reach beyond the state border.
    2. (in the plural) A territory limited by borders.
      Suur osa Peipsi järve on Eesti piirides.A large part of Lake Peipus is in[side the borders of] Estonia.
      Kunstnikku tuntakse ka väljaspool kodumaa piire.The artist is known outside of [the borders of] their homeland as well.
      1. (in the plural) The scope, reach, capacity of sth.
        Etteaste jäägu poole tunni piiridesse.The performance shouldn't exeed [the scope of] half an hour.
        Kõik toimugu seaduslikkuse piires.Everything should happen in the bounds of legality.
        Nalja heideti sündsuse piirides.They were making fun [of each other] in the boundaries of propriety.
      2. (usually in the plural internal locative cases) Indicates fluctuations of sth in the proximity or in the range of certain numerical values; around, about.
        Õhutemperatuur on 0° piires.The air temperature is about 0°[C].
        Palk kõikus 10 000 – 12 000 krooni piires.The salary fluctuated between 10 000 and 12 000 kroons.
        • 1942 August 28, Ain Kalmus, “Soolased tuuled [Salty Winds]”, in Albert Kivikas, editor, Eesti Sõna [Estonian Word]‎[2], 198th edition, volume II, Tallinn, page 3:
          Õe abiellumine ei meeldinud talle samuti. Mitte et Juhan oleks olnud paha mees. Seda mitte. Ta tundis seda kahekümne viie aasta piirides perepoega juba ammu.
          He didn't like the idea of his sister getting married either. Not that Juhan was a bad man. Not that. He has known that approximately twenty-five-year-old man for a long time.
    3. (usually in external locative cases) The interface of two different natural areas or environments; boundary.
      Rada kulgeb raba ja metsa piiril.The path goes along the boundary of the bog and the forest.
      Rannas vee ja liiva piiril olid rändrahnud.There were boulders on the boundary of water and sand.
      Seisin valguse ja varju piiril.I was standing on the bounds of light and shadow.
      1. The horizon, the apparent line of contact between the sky and the ground.
    4. A notional dividing line and its transitional area between two phenomena, features, conditions etc.; verge.
      silbi piirsyllable boundary
      Reaalsuse ja irreaalsuse piir kaob käest.The dividing line between reality and unreality is getting out of hand.
      Kaovad piirid eri teadusharude vahel.The bounds of different branches of science are disappearing.
      Mitmed indiaani hõimud on viidud hävingu piirile.Many Indian tribes are on the verge of annihilation.
      Vang oli viidud hullumeelsuse piirini.The prisoner was brought to the verge of insanity.
  2. limit
    1. The outer edge, last step of sth, more (or less) of which is considered impossible or inappropriate.
      Kas inimmõistusel on piire?Does the human mind have limits?
      Tulemust peeti sportlaste võimete piiriks.The result was considered the limit of athletic ability.
      See häbematu mees on läinud üle igasuguse piiri.This shameless man has crossed all limits.
      Laste fantaasial pole piiri.Children's fantasies have no limits.
      1. (with a quantitative indicator) Indicating a goal or an achievement.
        Keegi kuldmedalipüüdlejatest ei suutnud alistada kahe minuti piiri.None of the competitors were able to beat their goal of two minutes.


Declension of piir (ÕS type 22e/riik, length gradation)
singular plural
nominative piir piirid
accusative nom.
gen. piiri
genitive piiride
partitive piiri piire
illative piiri
inessive piiris piirides
elative piirist piiridest
allative piirile piiridele
adessive piiril piiridel
ablative piirilt piiridelt
translative piiriks piirideks
terminative piirini piirideni
essive piirina piiridena
abessive piirita piirideta
comitative piiriga piiridega



Derived terms





  • piir in Sõnaveeb (Eesti Keele Instituut)
  • piir”, in [EKSS] Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat [Descriptive Dictionary of the Estonian Language] (in Estonian) (online version), Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus (Estonian Language Foundation), 2009