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From ōrō (to speak as an orator; plead; pray) +‎ -tiō.





ōrātiō f (genitive ōrātiōnis); third declension

  1. speech, discourse, language
  2. the power of speech
  3. manner or style of speaking
  4. oration, public speech
    Synonym: cōntiō
  5. eloquence
  6. sentence or clause expressing a complete sense
  7. imperial message
  8. prayer or address to a deity



Third-declension noun.

singular plural
nominative ōrātiō ōrātiōnēs
genitive ōrātiōnis ōrātiōnum
dative ōrātiōnī ōrātiōnibus
accusative ōrātiōnem ōrātiōnēs
ablative ōrātiōne ōrātiōnibus
vocative ōrātiō ōrātiōnēs

Derived terms





  • oratio”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • oratio”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • "oratio", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
  • oratio in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • his words find an easy hearing, are listened to with pleasure: oratio in aures influit
    • a funeral oration: oratio funebris
    • to compose a speech: orationem conficere
    • to prepare, get up a speech: orationem commentari (Fam. 16. 26)
    • a prepared speech: oratio meditata (Plin. 26. 3. 7)
    • an extempore speech: oratio subita
    • a continuous discourse: oratio perpetua
    • a carefully prepared speech: oratio accurata et polita
    • an elaborate speech: oratio composita
    • to make a speech: orationem habere (Tusc. 5. 33. 94)
    • to obtain a hearing: audientiam sibi (orationi) facere
    • style: genus dicendi (scribendi); oratio
    • a running style: fusum orationis genus
    • a bombastic style: inflatum orationis genus
    • a bombastic style: oratio altius exaggerata
    • the exalted strain of the speech: elatio atque altitudo orationis
    • an easy, fluent style: expedita et facile currens oratio
    • an easy, fluent style: oratio aequabiliter fluens
    • flow of oratory: flumen orationis (De Or. 2. 15. 62)
    • the plain style: siccitas, sanitas orationis
    • the plain style: verborum tenuitias, oratio subtilis
    • the dry, lifeless style: oratio exilis, ieiuna, arida, exsanguis
    • well-chosen language, grace of style: ornatus orationis, verborum
    • tasteful description: elegantia orationis
    • pure, correct language: oratio pura, pura et emendata
    • purity of style: integritas, sinceritas orationis (not puritas)
    • incorrect language: oratio inquinata (De Opt. Gen. Or. 3. 7)
    • Cato's speeches sound archaic: orationes Catonis antiquitatem redolent (Brut. 21. 82)
    • there is a flavour of Atticism about his discourse: ex illius orationibus ipsae Athenae redolent
    • prose: oratio soluta (not prosa) or simply oratio
    • his style has a well-balanced cadence: oratio numerose cadit
    • to make a speech rhythmical: numeris orationem astringere, vincire
    • a full and copious style of speech: ubertas (not divitiae) et copia orationis
    • to express clearly, make a lifelike representation of a thing: exprimere aliquid verbis or oratione (vid. sect. VI. 3, note adumbrare...)
    • the connection: contextus orationis (not nexus, conexus sententiarum)
    • the circumstances are described in language worthy of them: rebus ipsis par est oratio
    • to interpolate, insert something: includere in orationem aliquid
    • to interpolate, insert something: inserere orationi aliquid
    • a rather recondite speech: oratio longius repetita (De Or. 3. 24. 91)
    • to express oneself in popular language: ad vulgarem sensum or ad communem opinionem orationem accommodare (Off. 2. 10. 35)
    • to read a speech: de scripto orationem habere, dicere (opp. sine scripto, ex memoria)
    • but to return from the digression we have been making: sed redeat, unde aberravit oratio
    • but to return from the digression we have been making: verum ut ad id, unde digressa est oratio, revertamur
    • to intersperse one's speech with humorous remarks: aspergere sales orationi (Or. 26. 87)
    • a mistake, solecism: vitium orationis, sermonis or simply vitium
    • to be unable to express one's ideas: orationis expertem esse
    • the period: ambitus, circuitus, comprehensio, continuatio (verborum, orationis), also simply periodus
    • the book, speech can easily be obtained: liber, oratio in manibus est
    • the text of the author (not textus): verba, oratio, exemplum scriptoris
    • I avoid mentioning...; I prefer not to touch upon..: supersedeo oratione (not dicere)
  • oratio in Ramminger, Johann (2016 July 16 (last accessed)) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700[2], pre-publication website, 2005-2016