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Compound of naturbruk (natural resource use) +‎ -s- +‎ gymnasium (gymnasium). First attested in 1983[1].



naturbruksgymnasium n

  1. a gymnasium, upper secondary school, focusing on the education of natural resource usage (e.g. agriculture, aquaculture, husbandry, or forestry)
    • 2012 August 17, Cajsa Vingros Carlson, “Få vill gå naturbruksgymnasium [Low interest in natural resource gymnasium]”, in Sveriges Radio:
      Vi fyller inte platserna i år, jag tror inte att något naturbruksgymnasium i Sverige har fyllt sina platser.
      We haven't filled the places this year. I don't believe any natural resource gymnasium in Sweden has managed to fill all their places.
    • 2017 December 28, Eva Unosson, “Tenhults naturbruksgymnasium får 28 miljoner till stall [Tenhult natural resource gymnasium receives 28 million for new stables]”, in SVT Nyheter:
      Nu gör Region Jönköpings län en storsatsning på Tenhults naturbruksgymnasium och investerar 28 miljoner i ett nytt stall.
      The Jönköping County region is making a major investment in Tenhult natural resource gymnasium, allocating 28 million for the construction of new stables.
    • 2020 January 15, Adam Westin, “Brand på gymnasium – hundratals kor brann inne [Fire at gymnasium – hundreds of cows perished in the blaze]”, in Aftonbladet:
      Naturbruksgymnasiet i Vreta drabbades i morse av en kraftig brand. [] Det är oklart när naturbruksgymnasiet kan återuppta sin verksamhet.
      The natural resource gymnasium in Vreta was hit by a severe fire this morning. [] It is unclear when the natural resource gymnasium will be able to resume its operations.
    • 2023 August 2, Norah Lång, Fanny Iggström, “Jätteråttor saneras från Grans – med hjälp av hundar [Giant rats eradicated from Grans – with the help of dogs]”, in Sveriges Radio:
      På Grans naturbruksgymnasium i Öjebyn har man under en längre tid haft problem med att ett stort antal råttor intagit skolans ladugård.
      At Grans natural resource gymnasium in Öjebyn, the school has been struggling for some time with a large number of rats taking over the barn.

See also


