giải âm
[edit]Sino-Vietnamese word from 解 (“to explain”) and 音 (“pronunciation”).
[edit]- (historical, translation) a historical category of texts aim to "explaining the sounds" of works written in Literary Chinese
Usage notes
[edit]- There is significant diversity within works called giải âm (even within a single text), with some coming fairly close to the modern concept of translation, while some are closer to annotations with "word-matching" between Literary Chinese and Vietnamese, with little to no regard to the structure or syntax of Vietnamese. On the contrary, some giải nghĩa/diễn nghĩa works focus on extracting as much meaning as possible from the source texts, with little to no regard to the structure and syntax of Literary Chinese.
- 16th century, Truyền kỳ mạn lục (傳奇漫錄, "Casual Record of Transmitted Strange-Tales") by Nguyễn Dữ.
- 惟其剛之守
- Duy kì cương chi thủ.
- Only keeping his steadfastness.
- 16th century, Nguyễn Thế Nghi's (attributed) Tân biên Truyền kỳ mạn lục tăng bổ giải âm tập chú (新編傳奇漫錄增補解音集註), giải âm/"translation" of the Truyền kỳ mạn lục.
盃 所 亘 蒸 𡨺
- The "Vietnamese" line above closely matches the Chinese original on both character-by-character basis, and word order, although its readability as a "Vietnamese" sentence on its own (archaic vocabulary aside) is somewhat questionable. This example involves two common "translation devices" in giải âm texts: thửa (所), commonly used to match with 其 (MC gi) and 所 (MC srjoX), and chưng (蒸), often matched with 之 (MC tsyi) and 夫 (MC bju).
See also
[edit]- giải nghĩa, a similar category of texts, with a stronger focus on "explaining the meaning"