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Alternative forms




Onomatopoeic. Compare Portuguese cacarejar and Spanish cacarear.





cacarexar (first-person singular present cacarexo, first-person singular preterite cacarexei, past participle cacarexado)

  1. to cackle
    Cacarexar moito e non poñer ovo (proverb)
    Much ado about nothing
    (literally, “cackling a lot and not laying eggs”)
    • 1889, A Monteira, number 6, page 43:
      Antes de rubir ó puleiro, non fan máis que cacarexar qu'han facer i acontecer, pro non se ve outra cousa dempois máis qu'os benfeitos que reciben tódo-los que teñen a sorte de ll'axudar nas falcatrúas, pr'amocar ós que non son do pau, e nas trécolas pra conquerir sona co cacique maor, que dende Madril diuta disposiciós d'intrés particolar prós seus nagocios.
      (the councillors) before climbing onto the perch do nothing but cackle about what they'll do and what will be, but then you don't see anything other than the benefits received by all who have the fortune to help them in their frauds, to club those that don't belong to the same suit, and the tricks to gain fame with the great cacique, who from Madrid dictates dispositions of particular interest for his own business.
  2. (figurative) to boast



Derived terms


