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See also: alumẽar



Alternative forms




13th century. From Old Galician-Portuguese alumẽar, from Early Medieval Latin allūmināre. Compare Portuguese alumiar, Spanish alumbrar.





alumear (first-person singular present alumeo, first-person singular preterite alumeei, past participle alumeado)
alumear (first-person singular present alumeio, first-person singular preterite alumeei, past participle alumeado, reintegrationist norm)

  1. (transitive) to illuminate, enlighten
    • 1697, José Gil Taboada, Grande loita de luceiros:
      Grande loyta de Luceyros
      Ay na terra do patron
      Santo, que fillo do Trono
      Nas guerras sempre atronòu.
      Cinco Luceyros no'menos
      S'opòn à vn Luceyro sò:
      Cinco à vn, è ser Galegos?
      No'mo dà ò corazon.
      E que loytan sobre quen
      A quen mais alomeou.
      Vn contra cinco? Este si
      Que é Galego de naçon.
      A large dispute of luminaries
      happens at the land of the patron
      Saint, who, son of thunder
      In the wars always stormed [=Saint James].
      Five luminaries, no less,
      Oppose one luminary alone:
      Five to one, being Galicians?
      I don't think so.
      And they are fighting on who
      enlightened more to whom.
      One to five? This one certainly is
      Galician by nation
  2. (transitive) to clarify
  3. (transitive) to shed light on
  4. (intransitive) to light
  5. (intransitive) to be perceptible
  6. (pronominal) to receive or use the light [with con ‘of something’]



