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13th century. From Old Galician-Portuguese alugar, from Latin allocare. Cognate with Portuguese alugar and French louer.





alugar (first-person singular present alugo, first-person singular preterite aluguei, past participle alugado)

  1. (transitive) to hire, to employ
    • 1881, J. A, Saco y Arce (ed.), Literatura popular de Galicia:
      Miña ama do inverno / Alugaime polo vran / Para vos sachá-lo millo / E para comé-lo pan (folk song)
      My mistress of the winter, hire me in the summer, for collecting the corn, and for eating the bread
    Synonyms: contratar, empregar
  2. (transitive) to rent
    • 1370, R. Lorenzo, editor, Crónica troiana, A Coruña: Fundación Barrié, page 711:
      Et tragía doze naues, que alugara de mercadores por mil morauedís
      And he brought twelve ships that he had rented from merchants for a thousand moravedis
    Synonym: arrendar
  3. (transitive) to rent out
    • 1293, José-Luis Novo Cazón, editor, El priorato santiaguista de Vilar de Donas en la Edad Media (1194-1500), A Coruña: Fundación Barrié, page 269:
      alugamos a uos Pedro Eanes e a uosa muler Maria Peres da Repostaria mea casa que y auemos na rua de Sant Antolio
      we rent out to you Pedro Eanes and to your wife Maria Perez da Respotaría my house that we have there in Saint Antony's street
    Synonym: arrendar
  4. (pronominal) to hire; to accept employment









From Old Galician-Portuguese alugar, from Latin allocāre. Doublet of alocar, a borrowing.


  • (Portugal) IPA(key): /ɐ.luˈɡaɾ/ [ɐ.luˈɣaɾ]
    • (Southern Portugal) IPA(key): /ɐ.luˈɡa.ɾi/ [ɐ.luˈɣa.ɾi]

  • Hyphenation: a‧lu‧gar



alugar (first-person singular present alugo, first-person singular preterite aluguei, past participle alugado)

  1. to rent, to hire
    Quero alugar um carro.
    I'd like to rent a car.
  2. to let
    Queria alugar este quarto a um estudante.
    I want to let this room to a student.



