[edit]affligir (first-person singular present afflijo, first-person singular preterite affligi, past participle affligido)
- Pre-reform spelling (used until 1943 in Brazil and 1911 in Portugal) of afligir.
- 1938, Graciliano Ramos, “Festa [Celebration]”, in Vidas Seccas [Barren Lives], Rio de Janeiro: Livraria José Olympio Editora, page 113:
- Ergueu-se nas pontas dos pés, mas isto lhe arrancou um grunhido: os calcanhares esfolados começavam a affligil-o.
- He stood on the tips of his toes, but this made him groan: his skinned heels were starting to afflict him.
[edit] Conjugation of affligir (g-j alternation) (See Appendix:Portuguese verbs)