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Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2012-05

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May 2012

english to latin shadows of my heart

english to latin shadows of my heart

umbrae cordis mei --Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 05:03, 1 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

sealbhaich le 'r uisge-beatha Séan

Irish speakers, correct me if I am wrong, but this seems to be a somewhat incorrect rendering of something like, "Get some whiskey, John". --Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 04:08, 3 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I think it's Scottish Gaelic rather than Irish, but otherwise yes. —Angr 07:16, 3 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
That was a stupid thinko on my part, but I was (on some level) aware of that. --Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 23:49, 4 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English to Gaelic

I'd like to know how to say "more time" in Gaelic.

Thank you.

Scottish Gaelic: tuilleadh ama --Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 01:08, 5 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Please help translate from old english to modern english.

Alfðryð gret Ælfric arcebiscop & Eþelwerd ealdarman eadmodlice.

& ic cyðe inc ðet ic eom to gewitnysse þæt Dunstan arcebiscop getehte Aþelwolde biscope Tantun eal swa his bec specon. & Eadgar cyninghit agef ða, & bead ælcon his þegna þe enig land on þan lande hafde, þæt hi hit ofeodon be þes biscopes gemedon oððe hit agefum.

& se cyning cwæð þa þet he nahte nan land ut to syllanne, þa he ne dorste fram Godes ege him sylf ðet heafod habban & ma, gerad þa Risctun to þes biscopes handa. & Wulfgyþ rad þa to me to Cumbe & gesohte me. & ic ða for þan þe heo me gesib was, & Ælfswyð for þan þe he hyre broþor was,abedon æt Aðelwold biscope þæt hi moston brucan þes landes hyra deg, & efter hyra dege eode þet lond into Tantune mid mete & mid mannum eal swa hit stode. & wit hyt swiðe uneaðe to þan brocton.

Nu cydde man me þæt Aðelwold bisceop & ic sceoldon ofneadian þa boc æt Leofrice. Nu ne eom ic nanre neade gecnewe þe libbe, þe ma þe he woldeþeah he lyfode. Ac Leofric hafde ane niwe boc. þa agef he þa, þa cydde he mid þan þet he nolde nan fals þer on don. þa cydde Aðelwold bisceop him þæt hine ne mihte nan his eftergenga bereafian, het þa gewritan twa gewritu, oðer him sulfhefde, oþer he Leofrice sealde.

  • Dude, you're asking for like a half-hour's translation work here for free. Short of going through the whole thing for you, what you've got there is a letter from Ælfthryth, wife of Edgar to Ælfric of Abingdon about a land dispute over the estate of Taunton in (now) Somerset. She says her husband gave up his rights to the land in accordance with the bishop's wishes, and ordered his thegns to do the same. There follow some details about a claimant in the land dispute called Leofric. That's as much as you're getting right now, perhaps someone else can be bothered to do a word-for-word translation. Ƿidsiþ 17:17, 6 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
    Also, most Old English literature already has published translations. If you snoop around some on the Net, you can probably find an existing translation of the letter from Ælfthryth to Ælfric. Here, for example, is a translation up to "mid mannum eal swa hit stode". —Angr 17:26, 6 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English to LATIN

Could you please translate "some legends are written in blood" to Latin. Thanks, you guys are great!

Aliquae fabulae scriptae sunt in sanguinem. —Stephen (Talk) 17:28, 10 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
That is in the perfect tense; I think a more literal translation would be in the present tense like the English original, thus Aliquae fabulae scribuntur in sanguinem. --Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 23:53, 10 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Also in sanguinem means "into blood". When we say "written in blood" we really mean "written with blood", so I would use the bare ablative in Latin: Aliquae fabulae scribuntur sanguine. —Angr 20:53, 11 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I didn't notice that, and I agree the ablative is more appropriate, but such a bare ablative must be interpreted as the ablative of means. Instead, I would argue that, in terms of Latin grammar, it is written by means of a pen, but written in blood. Thus I would say, with wording altered to give a slightly more classical feel: Aliquae fabulae in sanguine scribuntur. --Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 05:49, 12 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Polish to English, please?

The thing in Polish that I have in mind is koza w nosie, which I got from the Polish Wiktionary. [1]

Literally, it means "goat in the nose". Must be an idiom of some sort. —Angr 21:46, 10 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
A quick web search suggests that it is colloquial for booger. --Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 23:57, 10 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English to Hawaiian

My love forever

Body heat

Mau loa koʻu aloha.
Ka mahana i ke kino. —Stephen (Talk) 15:01, 12 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English to khmer

Good morning

Please could you provide a khmer translation of 'one life'?

Many thanks x

មួយជីវិត —Stephen (Talk) 14:43, 12 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English to Latin

"Forever my guardian angel"

Semper meus angelus custos. —Angr 16:04, 13 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English translation with phonetics to Hebrew, Latin, Greek, French, Jewish

Tree of Life

What's Jewish? —CodeCat 11:48, 15 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Yiddish I guess, since Hebrew is already up there. Mglovesfun (talk) 12:09, 15 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
In Latin, tree of life would literally be (deprecated template usage) arbor vitae (as opposed to (deprecated template usage) lignum). My Hebrew grammar is awful, but I think עץ חיים would be better (maybe it's a biblical thing, but it just sounds right). --Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 23:33, 15 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
If by "Greek" the OP meant Ancient Greek rather than Modern Greek, it's δένδρον (déndron) τῆς (tês) ζωῆς (zōês) /déndron tɛ̂ːs zɔːɛ̂ːs/. —Angr 06:01, 16 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
BTW, Latin lignum was probably pronounced /ˈlɪŋnʊm/ rather than /ˈliːɡnʊm/. —Angr 07:32, 16 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English to Farsi (Poetic)

I want to get "Nothing is true, all is permitted" in Farsi. "True" in the sense that it is being used here, doesn't refer to generic truth (like true false) but the kind of truth which there is no way to view from other angles, or to perceive in a different way. "Nothing is true, all is permitted" might mean "Nothing is indisputable, all perceptions are valid"... however, I want it to clearly say "Nothing is true, all is permitted", I just want to make sure that the usage of the words conveys my perception of it rather than just the surface meanings of the words.


Also, I'd like, if possible, to have a pronunciation guide for the Farsi, as well as an literal translation of each part of the sentence so I know what each word means individually.

Not sure I understand all of that very well. This is how I would write it. Get other opinions to see if it is what you wanted.
هیچ‌چیز درست نیست، همه‌چیز مجاز است (hich-chiz dorost nist, hame-chiz mojāz ast = no-thing correct/true is-not, all-thing allowed is) —Stephen (Talk) 06:31, 16 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Or: هیچ‌چیز حق نیست، همه‌چیز جایز است (hich chiz haq nist, hame chiz jâyez ast) (that مجاز should be transliterated as mojâz, majâz has a different meaning) --Z 12:14, 17 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I thought the first translation originally had a space between
هیچ چیز and همه چیز
and I notice that there's no space in the second translation between those words either. Is that more correct than with spaces?
With that 2nd bit of Farsi up above... is there any correct way to have it so that rather than saying 'every thing' it just said 'all'? I know 'all' isn't a noun, but is there a way have it use 'all' and still make sense (and by make sense I mean something that is clear and effective as opposed to being something you could understand but looked like very poorly spoken Farsi)
درست seems best for 'true', but if people want to suggest other words that also mean true, I'd be happy to check them out. That word seems to convey a lot of different meanings of the word true though, so it looks like the winner. Mostly I'm looking for 'true' to be the kind of truth that is indisputable, unquestionable, and unchanging.
Thanks for the help so far.
A lot of people put the space in words such as همه چیز because if you remove the space, the two letters automatically connect: همهچیز. If you don’t put the space (and you should not put the space), then you have to use an invisible no-connect letter: همه‌چیز. Of course, when it is written by hand, nobody puts a space there. The space is only a bad shortcut used in typing.
If you leave out the "thing" and just say "all", then it means "everybody" (but you’d also need to use a different verb for that). —Stephen (Talk) 02:15, 25 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Some other words that mean true are: اصل, حقیقت, اصل عمومی, بدیهیات, اصل موضوعه, حقیقت اشکار, حقیقت متعارفه, واقعی, صحیح, راستین, راست, ثابت, راستگو, فریور. Also, ابدی, استوار, اعتمادی, امانتی, امین, با وفا, باثبات, بی تغییر, بی جنبش, بی حرکت, پاک نشدنی, پایا, پایدار, تغییر ناپذیر, تغییر ناپذیر, ثابت قدم, جایگیر, جنبش ناپذیر, حقیقی, دائمي, راسخ, راسی, راکد, سخت گیر, سخت ومحکم, سفت, صادق, غیر قابل تغییر وانحراف, غیر متنوع, غیر منقول, متین, محو نشدنی, محکم, معتمد, معین, مقرر, نامتغیر, وظیفه شناس, وفادار. —Stephen (Talk) 03:12, 25 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]








We’ll try to translate a word or a phrase for you, but not a lengthy article. For that you would have to use a commercial translator, who will charge you money for the many hours of work required. —Stephen (Talk) 21:34, 17 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

english to cherokee


When the land darkens I close my eyes
and dream of a world of my own making
Visions of druids, stars,
trees that whisper ancient secrets

I dream into existence a universe
without hatred,
where no one betrays me

In sun's warm light, I care about Cuba,
South Africa, Jemez Pueblo, Navajo,
Bosnia and Jay, Oklahoma
Some would say
not womanly things to care about

In sleep I refresh myself and dream
of a time when thunder spoke to me
the moon smiled on me and
told me I was one of them

Or maybe I will just listen to
the message of long ago
sent along the pathways of the wind

The wind will have stories to tell
and when I wake up
I won't really know whether I dreamed the stories or they are real
but then
I never could tell the difference anyway.

To paraphrase Stephen in the previous thread, we'll try to translate a word or a phrase for you, but not an entire poem. For that you would have to use a commercial translator, who will charge you money for the many hours of work required. And Cherokee is not one of those languages with an abundance of professional translators. —Angr 21:53, 17 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English to Egyptian Hieretics, help!!!

Hi, I would like to translate:

Love is forever, Death cannot part us.

from English (exactly as above)into Egyptian Hieratic. There is translation sites for Hieroglyphs everywhere but none for the Hieratics.

Any help much appreciated!

The hieratic script is structurally the same as the hieroglyphic, and Unicode treats hieratic script as a font variant of hieroglyphic. So if you can get the translation in hieroglyphics, and if you can obtain a hieratic font, then you should be able to output the hieratic translation with a simple font change. —Stephen (Talk) 00:30, 19 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

how to translate three names into Cherokee

I would like three names to be translated for me. They are Seven, Sydnee, and Stormie.

Seven = ᏏᏪᏂ (siweni)
Sydnee = ᏏᏗᏂ (sidini)
Stormie = ᏍᏙᎻ (sdomi) —Stephen (Talk) 00:17, 19 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English sentences to Latin sentences

Can anybody translate these sentences to Latins, I want to use one of these as a book title, thank you :)

"Night before the shining heaven"


"Heaven is shining after darkness"

Nox ante caelum lucens and Caelum post caliginem lucens est. --Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 23:45, 19 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Maybe for the second sentence 'Caelum post caliginem lucet' is ok too? —CodeCat 23:47, 19 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I didn't think of it that way - the English is ambiguous. Yours is probably better than mine, though. --Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 15:40, 21 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hawaiian translation

how do you say "The only thing that counts" or "The only thing that's of importance" in Hawaiian? Thanx!

Kai ala mea nui e (This is the important thing)
O ka mea nui (It is an important thing) —Stephen (Talk) 20:04, 22 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Thanx! What does Kai mean? Doesn't Keia mean "thing" in Hawaiian? I just want to make sure for a tattoo :)

No, mea means thing. Kai means sea, ocean. It’s hard to explain idioms. Since this is for a permanent tattoo, you should get the opinions of other people who speak Hawaiian. There are usually many ways to say something, and not every way is the best way. —Stephen (Talk) 06:19, 1 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Ok, thanks fir your help!

I have one more question, last one! I really like the way "Kai ala mea nui e" sounds but would it be horrible to omit the "e" at the end, or is it truly needed. Thanx again!

I guess it wouldn’t be horrible. It is an intensifying particle. —Stephen (Talk) 11:24, 13 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Please translate to Latin

Can anyone translate "I've been set free" or "My Savior has set me free" to Latin?


I've been set free: "līberātus sum" or "liberāta sum" (depending on your gender)
My savior has set me free: "salvātor meus līberāvit"
CodeCat 11:30, 22 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

If anyone could translate this into scottish gaelic for me it would be much appreciated

We are the dancers, we create dreams

Best we have is gd (that is, Scottish Gaelic) level 2: Category:User gd-2. Mglovesfun (talk) 19:55, 31 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English to Gaelic

"In Darkness We Shine." It's a variant of the Moran family motto, more properly "They Shine in Darkness" (Lucent in Tenebris). Since it's an Irish family motto, I think it's only appropriate to translate it to Gaelic. I'm thinking of a tattoo, and I don't trust Google Translate. But it seems to be something along the lines of i/sa/sna dorchadas soilsimid. Thanks anyone who can confirm/improve.

Is sa dhorchadas a shoilsímid.Angr 20:54, 26 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

translate "Lynda's beach cottage" into Scottish Gaelic

Can you translate "Lynda's beach cottage" into Scottish Gaelic?

Translation of few sentences from aramaic to English

I would like to get the following translations to old Aramaic:

"Divine Inspiration"

"Deep inner thinking"


Translate to Arabic

Translate to Arabic It's not very hard to sacrifice Everything for someone, But it's hard to find that someone, who deserves your sacrifice.

ليس من الصعب جدا للتضحية بكل شيء لشخص ما، ولكن من الصعب العثور على شخص يستحق التضحية بك. (doublecheck it) —Stephen (Talk) 02:41, 30 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English to Latin, for Mother's Day

Hello, and thanks in advance for your consideration.

I'd like to translate George Washington's (paraphrased), "The best of me, I owe to my mother."

I believe it would be something like "OPTIMUM DE ME, DEBEO UT MATER" but would like confirmation

Y'all have a nice Memorial Day weekend

I would say it this way:
Quidquid sum, optimae id debeo matri. —Stephen (Talk) 02:59, 30 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, Stephen - quite generous of you to use your vast talents to humor the rest of us!



My wife are getting a tattoo and are looking for the translation from English to Celtic for the phrase


Tá an grá le haghaidh teaghlach. (Irish, doublecheck it) —Stephen (Talk) 03:03, 30 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
That has the verb "to be" in it. If you just want the noun phrase "love for family" I'd say grá ar an teaghlach. —Angr 06:43, 30 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

english to hawaiian

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Please and thank you! Mahalo (:

english to persian

Can you translate

"Women will be the death of me"

into Persian?


زنان مرگ من خواهد بود (doublecheck it) —Stephen (Talk) 04:55, 31 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
زنان مرگ من خواهند بود --Z 11:46, 11 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

English to Hebrew

I need someone to translate ACCURAATELY <-----(All Caps) this phrase into Hebrew for me:

That is when I carried you

היו אלה עקבותיי שלי כשנשאתי אותך על כפי —Stephen (Talk) 03:23, 31 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Can someone please traslate this phrase (serenity prayer) in 2 different scripts/fonts for me PLeASE!!! Thanks!!

Can someone please traslate this phrase (serenity prayer) in 2 different scripts/fonts for me PLeASE!!! Thanks!!


GOD, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Do you want translation (from one language to another) or just transliteration (from one writing system to another)? --Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 19:29, 31 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

transliteration- Thank you so much!

What's the point, just out of interest? Mglovesfun (talk) 19:52, 31 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Mglovesfun: after reading your text, it made me realize that maybe 'translation' might be more important. I would like these sayings framed on a wall for inspiration. Thoughts?

But which language do you want them translated into? Hindi and modern Irish? —CodeCat 20:12, 31 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

@ Codecat: Modern Irish *Gaelic) in Irish uncial alphabet (An Cló Gaelach)

           Hindi in Devangari Script

Thank you!

Irish (it is up to you to find the uncial font of your choice):
A Dhia, deonaigh dom an suaimhneas chun glacadh le rudaí nach féidir liom a athrú, misneach chun rudaí a athrú nuair is féidir, agus gaois chun an difríocht a aithint. —Stephen (Talk) 06:41, 1 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
In Cló Gaelach you pretty much always use a dot over a consonant instead of an h after it, so: A Ḋia, deonaiġ dom an suaiṁneas ċun glacaḋ le rudaí naċ féidir liom a aṫrú, misneaċ ċun rudaí a aṫrú nuair is féidir, agus gaois chun an difríoċt a aiṫint. —Angr 08:18, 2 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
हे प्रभु, मुझे बातें मैं बदल नहीं सकते स्वीकार करने के लिए स्थिरता प्रदान; चीज़ें मैं कर सकता हूँ बदलने के लिए साहस; और ज्ञान का अंतर पता करने के लिए। आमीन —Stephen (Talk) 06:59, 1 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

english to sanskrit please(mistake in last;spelling)

May I be filled with loving kindness May I be well May I be peaceful and at ease May I be happy