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User:Sitaron/todo list

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Words to do


  • ​ រឹត​ tighten,massage ~ រឺត squeeze,​milk ~ រីត​ flatten.​

H77 writes រឹត​ for all 3, but distinguishes the same 3 pronunciations, under 3 different headwords. Check pronunciation in អោបរឹត. I have the feeling that secondary entries are mixed up in the electronic version of the dictionaries (no longer relate to headwords), + the dictionaries don't originally provide pronunciation for secondary entries, it's an automated addition of the electronic versions. Because of H77, it got it all messed up and eventually displays a pronunciation app-riit instead of aop-rʉt.

TODO: fix the entire រឹត (rɨt) section

From ខ្ពង់ (khpŭəng, ridge of a hill or mountain, shoulder of a hill, rise, eminence) with infixed -VN-, ultimately from ពង់ (pŭəng). កំពង់

/kəmˈlʊŋ/ ‘inner space, interior’.

Section 2




  • ក្រវាត់ (krɑvat): Kravat: finish section, cf. notes from Headley, Jenner Pou, Jenner, Guesdon
    • krɑvat, crɑvat, krovoat, voat, cvat-cviel, cvat-cvaeng, *vat~vaat, cvat, *cangvat, tvat, svat (but ≠ svat/sangvaat "thrive"), kvat-kvaeng.

Meaning ranging from: go around, encircle, gird, lash, criss-cross, erratically, quickly (that last meaning might come from vaat "thrive").


លិច (lɨc, sink, disappear, ruin) vs លេច (lɨc, emerge, drain, leak)

Lots of derivational confusion between these two due to series shift and centralization (ី = e/i -> ə/ɨ in closed syllables. េ e:/ę: ə/ɨ in in front of palatals). Spelling is not always consistent either.

Have opposite meanings that sometimes difficult to sort out. For instance:

  • is forgetting because one sunk / made disappear its memories, or because it drained / leak them out?
  • Is being evasive, dodgy, tricky, acting in secret because you try to hide something or because you try to get yourself out of something?
  • Is a river mouth where sth gets drowned, or somewhere the river empties out?

The terms like ប្លិច (pləc, quickly) seem unrelated.

  • លេច (lɨc) appear, emerge, drain, leak
    • បន្លិច (bɑnlɨc, to raise sth, emerge; to squeeze our, spit out ; to reveal, hint; river mouth)
    • រលេច (rɔlɨc, to protrude, show off; be indiscreet)
    • រំលេច (rumlɨc, to bring into view, highlight)

Section 3

  • ខិត (khət) in ខិតខាត់ and ខិតខំ,​cf. ខ្វះខាត​+​finish affixes.​

Note that កំហិត​ kâmhœt "limitation" has the same meaning relation to ខិត​ khœt "notch" as កំរិត​ has to ក្រិត​,​ both roots being from Thai ( ? vs กรีด), both with similar meaning (notch, scrape).

As if root was "buec" for the later two? otherwise, we need to suppose the infixation of -ra- + kbuec = krabuec, which is usually not seen?

Section 4


Compare រងើ (rɔngəə), ល្ងើ (lngəə), ស្រងើ (srɑngəə).

Section 5


todo: address pairs like

Section 6


Section 7


Section 8


interval, among lots of similar looking roots.

To turn, to swirl




Words to provide etym for:

    1. មេត្តា (meittaa)​: benevolence, loving kindness
    2. ករុណា (kaʼrunaa):​ compassion,
    3. មុទិតា (mutitaa)​: empathetic joy,
    4. ឧបេក្ខា (ʼupeekkhaa): equanimity.
  • [Term?]
  • [Term?]
  • [Term?]



Jenner dictionary of pré angkhorian khmer:

but a point which can be advanced with some assurance is that none of the affixes appears to have the purpose of marking shifts of wordclass. Superficially, this infix appears to have multiple functions: it yields derivatives which are action nouns, agentival nouns, and resultative nouns, any of which may be verbalized – and it would not be easy to argue that the nominal senses are more original than the verbal senses. The essential function of the infix is unclear.

Jenner states that -rVn- ~ -n-, but there are case where they both occur with the same root and with different meanings:

  • Lua error: too many expensive function calls
  • Lua error: too many expensive function calls

Find a function name for

  • thom - tumhum = size, not bigness
  • thlay - tamlay = price, not expensiveness
  • tnguen - tumnguen = weight, not heaviness

Function name for "that which is <adj>"

  • p'aem (sweet) - bang'aem (sweet food)

Function name for "attributing name or Verb to someone":

  • tooh (crime) - bantooh (blame, reproach)

Passive ?

  • បម្រើ

locative = "situative", situation where one is monk (monkhood), where one fight (match, contest).

p- meaning = to put X, like in pcong (put an end), pcet (put heart), pcang (put desire), ptuk (to put/place in keeping = load). This is a wider acception of the notion of "Causative", not narrow meaning of "cause someone to do".

m- in ម្ហូប: res? instr? it's more the target of the action.

-Vmn- in ទំនិះ: same,​ target of action.

លំហ​ : wide open space (that which is wide open). Resultative? locative ?

សំណ​: that which is white

ស្រាក​ vs សំរាក. function of -VN-?

សំណូក​ bribe,​is it proc /res of "to bribe"?

TODO: add possibility to add multiple functions. ស្នង -​n-​ ​is both instr and agent

ស្ពាយ / សំពាយ : -VN- is the object of the verb: carry sth with a shoulder strap / such load.

ស្លៀក​/សម្លៀក,​ ពាក់/បំពាក់

បង្អែម​ : that which is sweet.