User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ro-z
za {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza | :: |
Zachariah {prop} (Zechariah) SEE: Zechariah | :: |
Zachariah {prop} (male given name) SEE: Zachary | :: |
Zacharias {prop} (Zechariah) SEE: Zechariah | :: |
Zacharias {prop} (male given name) SEE: Zachary | :: |
Zachary {prop} (male given name) | :: Zaharia {m} |
Zagreb {prop} (capital of Croatia) | :: Zagreb |
Zaire {prop} (former name of DR of Congo) | :: Zair {n} |
Zakarpattia {prop} (oblast) | :: Transcarpatia {f} |
Zakarpatye {prop} (Zakarpattia) SEE: Zakarpattia | :: |
Zambia {prop} (country in Southern Africa) | :: Zambia {f} |
Zambian {n} (A person from Zambia or of Zambian descent) | :: zambian {m}, zambiană {f} |
Zambian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Zambia or its people or language) | :: zambian |
zander {n} (Sander lucioperca) | :: șalău {m} |
zeal {n} (fervor or devotion) | :: zel {n}, ardoare {f}, râvnă {f}, sârguință {f} |
Zealand {prop} (Dutch province) SEE: Zeeland | :: |
Zealand {prop} (Danish island) | :: Zealand |
zealously {adv} (with zealotry) | :: zelos, doritor, cu zel |
zebra {n} (African animal) | :: zebră {f} |
zebra crossing {n} (pedestrian crossing featuring broad white stripes) | :: trecere de pietoni {f}, zebră {f} |
zebrafish {n} (Danio rerio) | :: zebră {f} |
zebra mongoose {n} (banded mongoose) SEE: banded mongoose | :: |
Zechariah {prop} (king of Israel) | :: Zaharia {m} |
Zechariah {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Zaharia {m} |
Zechariah {prop} (Hebrew prophet traditionally considered the author of the Book of Zechariah) | :: Zaharia {m} |
Zechariah {prop} (father of John the Baptist) | :: Zaharia {m} |
Zeeland {prop} (province) | :: Seeland, Zeelanda |
zeitgeist {n} (the spirit of the age) | :: spiritul epocii {n}, spiritul vremii {n} |
Zemfira {prop} (transliteration of Земфи́ра) | :: Zemfira {f} |
zenith {n} (astronomy: point vertically above a position or observer) | :: zenit {m} |
Zephaniah {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Țefania {m} |
Zeppelin {n} (a type of large German dirigible airship of the early 20th century) | :: zepelin {n} |
zero {num} (cardinal number before 1, denoting nothing) | :: zero {n} |
zero {n} (nothing, or none) | :: zero {n} |
zero {n} (point of origin on a scale) | :: zero {n} |
zero {n} (person of little importance) | :: zero {n} |
zero {v} (to set to zero) | :: a reduce la zero |
zero-point energy {n} (energy possessed by something at a temperature of absolute zero) | :: energie de punct zero {f} |
zero-point energy {n} (The lowest energy possible energy of a system) | :: energie de punct zero {f} |
zerovalent {adj} (Having a valency of zero) | :: zerovalent {m} |
zilch {n} ((informal) nothing) | :: canci, ioc, boacă {f} |
Zimbabwe {prop} (Republic of Zimbabwe) | :: Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwean {n} (а person from Zimbabwe or of Zimbabwean descent) | :: zimbabwian {m}, zimbabwiană {f} |
Zimbabwean {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Zimbabwe or the Zimbabwean people) | :: zimbabwian |
zinc {n} (element) | :: zinc {n} |
zip {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener | :: |
zip code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode | :: |
zip fastener {n} (a fastener used in clothing, bags) | :: fermoar {n} |
zipper {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener | :: |
zippy {adj} (quick, speedy) SEE: quick | :: |
zircon {n} (mineral) | :: zircon {n} |
zirconium {n} (chemical element) | :: zirconiu {n} |
zither {n} (musical instrument) | :: țiteră {f} |
zodiac {n} (belt-like region in the sky) | :: zodiac {n} |
zodiac {n} (twelve signs in astrology) | :: zodiac {n} |
zodiacal {adj} (of or pertaining to the zodiac) | :: zodiacal |
zodiacal light {n} (soft glow of white light extending upward from the horizon along the ecliptic, particularly in the tropics) | :: lumină zodiacală {f} |
zombie {n} (the undead) | :: zombi {m} |
zonked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
zoo {n} (park where live animals are exhibited) | :: zoo {f}, parc zoologic {n}, grădină zoologică {f}, zooparc {n} |
zoogeography {n} (the scientific study of the geographical distribution of animal species) | :: zoogeografie {f}, geografie zoologică {f} |
zoological garden {n} (zoo (stilted or formal)) | :: grădină zoologică {f}, parc zoologic {n} |
zoologist {n} (one who studies zoology) | :: zoolog {m}, zoologă {f} |
zoology {n} (science that studies the animal kingdom) | :: zoologie {f} |
zoom {v} (to change the focal length of a zoom lens) | :: zooma |
zoomorphism {n} (the representation of gods as animals or the attributing of animal characteristics to gods) | :: zoomorfism {n} |
zoonosis {n} (animal disease that can be transmitted to humans) | :: zoonoză {f} |
zoophagy {n} (feeding on animals) | :: zoofagie {f} |
zoophilia {n} (sexual attraction to or interaction with animals) | :: zoofilie {f} |
zowerswopped {adj} (bad-tempered) SEE: bad-tempered | :: |
zubr {n} (zubr) SEE: wisent | :: |
zucchini {n} (courgette) SEE: courgette | :: |
Zuni {prop} (Native American tribe) | :: zuni |
Zurich {prop} (city) | :: Zürich {m} |