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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-x

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X {num} /ɛks/ (X) :: X, tuntematon
X {n} /z/ (slang: ecstasy) :: E, eve, essi, xtc
X {adj} (suitable for those over 16 or 18) :: K
X {prop} (informal: Christ) :: Jesse
X {n} (cross, crossing) :: risteys; suojatie [pedestrian crossing]
X {n} (tristimulus value) :: X
xanthan gum {n} (natural gum) :: ksantaanikumi
xanthate {n} /ˈzænθeɪt/ (salto or ester of xanthic acid) :: ksantaatti
xanthene {n} (chemistry: any of a group of tricyclic heterocycles) :: ksanteeni
Xanthi {prop} (city in Greece) :: Xánthi
xanthine {n} (group of alkaloids, including caffeine) :: ksantiini, dioksipuriini
Xanthippe {n} /zænˈθɪpiː/ (ill-tempered woman) :: äkäpussi
Xanthippic {adj} (scolding, nagging) :: äkäinen, äksy
xanthoma {n} (small yellow nodule) :: ksantooma
xanthous {adj} /ˈzæn.θəs/ (yellow-brown) :: kellanruskea
x-axis {n} (axis drawn from left to right) :: x-akseli
X boson {n} (hypothetical elementary particle) :: X-bosoni
X chromosome {n} (a mammalian sex chromosome) :: X-kromosomi
Xenia {prop} /ˈziːniə/ (female given name) :: Senja
xenial {adj} /ˈziːnɪəl/ (hospitable) :: vieraanvarainen
xenoarchaeology {n} (science concerned with alien artifacts) :: ksenoarkeologia
xenobiology {n} /ˈziːnoʊbaɪˌɑːlədʒi/ (speculative biology of extraterrestrial life) :: ksenobiologia
xenocentrism {n} (preference) :: ksenofilia
xenocide {n} /ˈzɛnəsaɪd/ (genocide of entire alien species) :: lajinmurha
xenodochial {adj} /ˌzɛnəˈdoʊkiəl/ (friendly to strangers) :: muukalaisystävällinen
xenodochium {n} /ˌzɛn.oʊˈdoʊ.ki.əm/ (room in a monastery) :: vierashuone, vierasmaja
xenoglossy {n} (glossolalia) SEE: glossolalia ::
xenolith {n} (geology: any piece of rock having a different origin to that of the igneous rock in which it is found) :: ksenoliitti
xenon {n} /zinən/ (chemical element) :: ksenon
Xenophanes {prop} /zɛˈnɒfəniːz/ (a Greek philosopher and a poet) :: Ksenofanes
xenophilia {n} (attraction or love for foreign people, manners or culture) :: ksenofilia
xenophobe {n} /ˈzinəfoʊb/ (hater of foreigners) :: muukalaisvihaaja
xenophobia {n} /zinəˈfoʊbiə/ (a pathological fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners) :: ksenofobia, muukalaisviha
xenophobic {n} (xenophobe) SEE: xenophobe ::
xenophobic {adj} (exhibiting or characterised by xenophobia) :: muukalaisvihamielinen, ksenofobinen
xenotime {n} (a yellow-brown mineral) :: ksenotiimi
xenotransplantation {n} (transplantation between species) :: vieraslajisiirto, ksenotransplantaatio
xerocopy {v} (to copy xerographically) :: kopioida, valokopioida
xerocopy {n} (xerographic copy) :: valokopio
xerography {n} (photocopying process) :: kserografia
xerophyte {n} /ˈzɪəɹəʊfaɪt/ (botany: a plant suited for life in a habitat where water is scarce) :: kuivakkokasvi, kserofyytti
xerostomia {n} (dry mouth) SEE: dry mouth ::
xerox {v} /ˈziː(ə)ɹ.ɑks/ (to make photocopies) :: kopioida
xerox copy {n} (photocopy) :: xerokopio
xeroxcopy {n} (xerox copy) SEE: xerox copy ::
Xerxes {prop} /ˈzɝksiːz/ (Xerxes I of Persia) :: Kserkses I
Xerxes {prop} (Xerxes II of Persia) :: Kserkses II
X factor {n} (unknown influence) :: tuntematon tekijä
X factor {n} (special talent) :: erityislahjakkuus
X factor {n} (prothrombinase) :: hyytymistekijä X
x-height {n} (the distance between the baseline and midline in a typeface) :: x-korkeus
Xhosa {n} /ˈkoʊ.sə/ (Xhosa language) :: xhosa
xi {n} /ksaɪ/ (Greek letter) :: ksii
Xiamen {prop} /ʃjɑːˈmɛn/ (a sub-provincial city in southeastern China) :: Xiamen
Xi'an {prop} /ˈʃɪˈæn/ (a city of China) :: Xian
Xianggang {prop} (Hong Kong) SEE: Hong Kong ::
xiangqi {n} (variant of chess) :: xiangqi, kiinalainen shakki
xiangsheng {n} (traditional style of Chinese comedy) :: xiangsheng
xiaolongbao {n} /ˈʃaʊlɒŋbaʊ/ (steamed dumpling) :: myky
Xinjiang {prop} /ˈʃɪnˈdʒjæŋ/ (autonomous region of China) :: Sinkiang, Xinjiang
Xiongnu {n} /ʃɒŋˈnuː/ (ancient nomadic-based people) :: xiongnut {p}, xiongnu-kansa
xiphias {n} (xiphias) SEE: swordfish ::
xiphoid process {n} /ˈzɪˌfɔɪd ˈpɹɑˌsɛs/ (cartilaginous extension) :: miekkalisäke
xiphosauran {n} (chelicerate) :: molukkirapu
Xizang {prop} (Tibet) SEE: Tibet ::
XML {prop} (extensible markup language) :: XML, XML-kieli
XNOR gate {n} (a physical Boolean device) :: XNOR-portti, SAMA-portti
xor {n} /ɛks ˈɔː(ɹ)/ (exclusive OR) :: ehdoton tai
XOR {n} /ˈɛks ˈɔɹ/ (logic: connective) :: ehdoton tai, poissulkeva tai, eksklusiivinen tai
XOR {n} (electrical engineering: logic gate) :: ehdoton tai -portti, poissulkeva tai -portti, eksklusiivinen tai -portti
XOR gate {n} (a physical Boolean device) :: XOR-portti, ERI-portti
XO sauce {n} (sauce) :: XO-kastike
X-ray {n} /ˈɛks ˌɹeɪ/ (short wavelength electromagnetic radiation) :: röntgensäteily
X-ray {n} (photograph made with X-rays) :: röntgenkuva
X-ray {n} (X-ray machine) :: röntgenlaite
X-ray {n} (the letter "X" in ICAO spelling alphabet) :: äksä
X-ray {v} (to take a radiograph of) :: ottaa röntgenkuva, röntgenkuvata
X-ray crystallography {n} (the analytical technique) :: röntgenkristallografia
X-ray diffraction {n} ((physics)) :: röntgendiffraktio
X-ray radiation {n} (electromagnetic radiation consisting of X-rays) :: röntgensäteily
X-ray spectrometer {n} (device used in analytical chemistry) :: röntgenspektrometri
X-ray spectroscopy {n} (use of an X-ray spectrometer for chemical analysis) :: röntgenspektroskopia
X-ray telescope {n} (instrument that detects X-rays originating from outside the Earth's atmosphere) :: röntgenteleskooppi
X-ray vision {n} (enhanced vision) :: röntgennäkö
X-trainer {n} (elliptical trainer) SEE: elliptical trainer ::
Xuan paper {n} (kind of paper) :: xuan-paperi
xun {n} /ʃuːn/ (globular vessel flute made of clay or ceramic) :: xun
xylan {n} (biochemistry: a polysaccharide consisting of xylose residues) :: ksylaani
xylanase {n} (any of various enzymes) :: ksylanaasi
xylem {n} /ˈzaɪ.ləm/ (botany: vascular tissue in land plants) :: puusolukko, ksyleemi
xylene {n} /ˈzaɪliːn/ (di-methyl-benzene) :: ksyleeni
xylitol {n} (an alcohol) :: ksylitoli
xylocaine {n} (lidocaine) SEE: lidocaine ::
xylochemistry {n} (chemistry of wood) :: puukemia
xylograph {v} /ˈzaɪ.loʊ.ɡɹɑːf/ (to make a print from an engraving in wood) :: vedostaa
xylograph {n} (engraving in wood) SEE: woodcut ::
xylograph {n} (print taken from an engraving in wood) SEE: woodcut ::
xylographer {n} (person) :: ksylografi
xylography {n} (art of making xylographs) SEE: woodcut ::
xylooligosaccharide {n} :: ksylo-oligosakkaridi
xylophagous {adj} (of insects, etc., feeding on wood) :: ksylofaginen
xylophagous {adj} (of fungi, etc., feeding on wood) :: ksylofaginen
xylophone {n} /ˈzaɪ.lə.ˌfəʊn/ (musical instrument) :: ksylofoni
xylophonist {n} (xylophone player) :: ksylofonisti
xylose {n} (wood sugar) :: ksyloosi