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#* {{rfdate|eo}}, Vladimír Váňa (translator), ''Aventuroj de la Brava Soldato Ŝvejk dum la Mondmilito'' (''The Good Soldier Švejk'') by Jaroslav Hašek, Part 1, Chapter 15,
#*: ''Pri kio morgaŭ prelegi al unujaraj volontuloj en la lernejo? Ĉu pri tio, kiel ni difinas la '''alton''' de monteto? Kial ni mezuras la '''alton''' ĉiam de la marnivelo? Kiel el '''altoj''' super la marnivelo elkalkuli propran '''alton''' de la monteto ekde ĝia piedo?''
#* {{rfdate|eo}}, Sergio Pokrovskij (translator), ''La Majstro kaj Margarita'' (''The Master and Margarita'') by Mikhail Bulgakov, Book Two, Chapter 24,
#*: ''[...] la peza fenestra kurteno ŝoviĝis flanken, la fenestro larĝe malfermiĝis kaj en la fora '''alto''' vidiĝis la plena [...] luno.''
#* {{rfdate|eo}}, Vladimir Varankin, ''Metropoliteno'',
#*: ''Ili laŭvice oferas dekpfenigajn '''aluminiajn''' monerojn, metante ilin en aŭtomatan aparaton kaj la silentiĝinta fortepiano rekomencas la ĉesintan muzikon.''
#* {{rfdate|eo}}, Vladimir Okc (translator), ''Unuetaĝa Usono'' (''Little Golden America'') by Ilja Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, Chapter 12,
#*: ''Koloro de arganoj estis hela, ĉar ilin oni farbis per '''aluminia''' farbo, kiu similas arĝentkolorajn ornamaĵojn de novjara arbo.''
#* {{rfdate|eo}}, Heinrich August Luyken, ''Stranga Heredaĵo'', Ĉapitro 3,
#*: ''Per '''amaj''', kunsentaj vortoj Leonardo sukcesis plie firmigi la konfidon de la junulo [...]''
#* {{rfdate|eo}}, Solomon Cins (translator), ''Kiel ŝtalo estis hardata'' (''Как закалялась сталь'' / ''How the Steel was Tempered'') by Nikolai Ostrovsky, Book 2, Chapter 9,
#*: ''Finiĝis vintro, printempo malfermis fenestrojn, kaj '''anemia''' Korĉagin, restinta viva post la lasta operacio, komprenis, ke plu resti en la kliniko li ne povas.''
#* {{rfdate|eo}}, Stellan Engholm, ''Homoj sur la tero'', “Sia propra mastro,” i,
#*: ''Kaj ankoraŭ ŝi estis juna, kaj ŝia sango fluis printempe varme en ŝiaj '''angioj'''.''
#* {{rfdate|eo}}, Solomon Cins (translator), ''Kiel ŝtalo estis hardata'' (''How the Steel Was Tempered'' / ''Как закалялась сталь'') by Nikolai Ostrovsky, Book 2, Chapter 7,
#*: ''Li ekamis tiun junan bolŝevikon, neniam '''angoran''', ĉiam vivplenan, kun bolanta energio, kiu tiel frue perdis sian sanon.''
#* {{rfdate|eo}}, Heinrich August Luyken, ''Stranga heredaĵo'', Ĉapitro 12,
#*: ''Vi bezonas korpan kaj '''animan''' ripozon.''
#* {{rfdate|pt}}, Valton Sergio von Tempski-Silka, ''Histórico dos Brasões e Bandeiras do Estado do Paraná'', [https://books.google.com/books?id=Qgpx3i2asDUC&pg=PA18&dq=%22azur%22#v=onepage page 18]:
#*: Esmalte: as cores do brasão que não são metais: azul = '''azur''', blau; verde = sinople; sinopla; preto = sable; vermelho = goles etc.
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Hyginus, ''fabulae'', ''Iovis filii''; in: ''Hygini fabulae, edidit Mauricius Schmidt'', Jena, 1872, page 121:
#*: Arcas ex '''Callisto''', Lycaonis filia
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Hyginus, ''astronomica''; in: ''Hygini astronomica ex codicibus a se primum collatis recensuit Bernhardus Bunte. Accedunt prolegomena, commentarius, excerpta ex codicibus, index, epimetron'', Lipsia, 1875, page 34:
#*: IV ARCTOPHYLAX. De hoc fertur ut sit Arcas nomine, '''Callistus''' et Iouis filius, quem dicitur Lycaon, cum Iuppiter ad eum in hospitium uenisset, cum alia carne concisum pro epulis apposuisse . [...]
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Plinius, ''Naturalis Historia'', ''liber I''. In: ''Pliny Natural History with an English translation by H. Rackham'', vol. I, 1961, p. 40–43:
#*: Libro VIII. continentur: [...] (xxvi-xxx) De camelis; genera eorum. de camelopardali; quando primimi Romae visa. de '''chamate'''. de cephis, de rhinocerote. de lynce et sphingibus. de crocottis. de cercopithecis.
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Gaius Julius Caesar, ''Commentarii de Bello Civili, Liber III, 48'':
#*: Est autem genus radicis inventum ab eis, qui fuerant vacui ab operibus, quod appellatur '''chara''', quod admixtum lacte multum inopiam levabat.
#* {{rfdate|en}}, {{w|Aristotle}}, ''Rhetoric, 1.9.8''
#*: ...'''courage''' is the thing by which they are able to take useful actions while amidst hazards...
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Cicero, ''De Legibus''
#*: Divos et eos, qui caelestes semper habiti, colunto et ollos, quos '''endo''' caelo merita locaverint...
#* {{rfdate|de}}, {{w|Clemens Brentano}}, ''Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schönen Annerl'' (edited). In: '''1835''', F. W. Gubitz (editor), ''Jahrbuch des Nützlichen und Unterhaltenden für 1835'', p. 171:
#*: Da fuhr die Alte überraſcht auf und ſprach: Lieber Herr, gehe '''er''' doch nach Haus und bete '''er''' fein und lege '''er''' ſich ſchlafen.
#* {{rfdate|fr}}, Jean de la Fontaine, ''Fables''
#*: Il est bon de garder sa '''fleur''' ; mais pour l’avoir perdue il ne se faut pas pendre.
#* {{rfdate|de}}, Alaksandr A. Fadeev, ''Der junge Garde'', German translation, page 135:
#*: {{quote|de|Nadja wußte, daß Serjoshka die Wahrheit sprach; er hatte zwei '''Fritze''' erschossen und würde noch mehr erschießen. „Sie werden dich erschießen", befürchtete sie.|Nadia knew that Serioshka was telling the truth; he had shot two '''Fritzes''' and would shoot still more. "They'll shoot you", she feared.}}
#* {{rfdate|de}}, Vasily Grossman, ''Leben und Schicksal'', German translation by Efim Etkind and Simon Markish, pages 239 and 250:
#*: « [...] seite heute Morgen habe ich fünf Fritzen umgelegt und dabei vier Granaten verbraucht.»
#* {{rfdate|nl}}, John O'Mill (Johan van der Meulen), "Pruimejantje".
#*: Jantje zag eens pruimen hangen / Oh, als eieren zo groot; / De tuinman zag zijn bolle wangen / Sloeg de vuile '''gapper''' dood.
#* {{rfdate|sco}}, "{{w|The Broons}}", ''Sunday Post'' (newspaper)
#*: Aye, she's a fair '''goodwin''', wi' ne'er a skunner tae say fer hersel'.
#* {{rfdate|en}}, Brian Kerr, ''Lodge St Lawrence 144 Ritual'', page 34:
#*: [I] of my own free will and accord, do hereby, here at and hereon, solemnly swear that I will always '''heel''', conceal and never improperly reveal any of the secrets or mysteries of, or belonging to [the Masons].
#* {{rfdate|en}}, Genealogical Committee of the Kentucky Historical Society, ''Kentucky Ancestors'', volume 25, part 3
#*: {{...}} did from erroneous conceptions speak false, slanderous and '''illiteral''' things of JACOB TORIAN tending to implicate him in some degree with certain horse-thieves by representing him as being favourably disposed towards them {{...}}
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Tacitus, ''Annals Book VI, 29''
#*: ...Mamercus Scaurus, '''insignis''' nobilitate et orandis causis, vita probrosus.
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Tacitus, ''Annals Book XIII, 45''
#*: Non minus '''insignis''' eo anno impudicitia magnorum rei publicae malorum initium fecit.
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Tacitus, ''Annals Book XIII, 32''
#*: Et Pomponia Graecina '''insignis''' femina...ac superstitionis externae rea, mariti iudicio permissa.
#* {{rfdate|de}}, Siegfried Auermann, ''Germanen und Wikinger. Wikingerfahrten, Normanenreiche, Runenkunde'', Reinhard Welz Vermittler Verlag Mannheim e.K., page 101:
#*: Dreißig Jahre nachher fuhren ſie auf Strömen und über Land in das Kaſpische Meer hinein, ſpäter drangen ſie gar bis nach Aserbeidſchan und in das '''Irak''' vor.
Kaiser blade
#* {{rfdate|en}}, Brannon Hollingsworth, ''Prelude to Okolona'', Four Fools Press, page 18:
#*: He let the '''Kaiser blade''' slip down into his palm. It felt good there, the well worn handle intimately comfortable in his calloused hand. His blood tricked down the haft and flowed across the slightly curved, upturned blade.
#* {{rfdate|sh}}, S Bandžović, ''Tegoba opstanka-Opšte privredne i životne prilike u Sandžaku između dva svjetska rata'':
#*: "Dovoljno će biti ako napomenemo da ima seoskih kuća koje još nisu nabavile kutiju palidrvaca, niti čašu, niti imaju i najprimitivniji krevet u kući, čak ni gasne lampe i sapun, a kamoli da znaju da postoji četkica i kaladont za zube, kao što u Sandžaku [...]"
#* {{rfdate|it}}, Gabriel García Márquez, ''Cent’anni di solitudine'', translated from Spanish to Italian by Enrico Cicogna {{ISBN|88-04-48336-9}}, page 12:
#*: ... mentre Ursula e i bambini si rompevano la schiena nell’orto per coltivare il banano e la '''malanga''', la manica e l’igname, la ahuyama e la melanzana.
#* {{rfdate|egy}}, The Stela of Nakhti, ''BM EA 143'':
#*: {{quote|egy|<hiero>Q1-ir:nb-A40-Dd-Dd-w-O49:t*Z1-nTr-aA</hiero>
#* {{rfdate|da}}, {{w|Henrik Pontoppidan}}, ''Det forjættede land: Med forord af Kristian Bang Foss'', Gyldendal A/S ({{ISBN|9788702160482}})
#*: ... løftede i ekstase blikket mod  stjernehimlen og bad: „O, min Fader i det høje, ... du ... du alene forstøder mig  ikke!
#* {{rfdate|en}}, Yamamoto Tsunetomo, ''Hagakure''
#*: At the time of Lord Nabeshima Naohiro's death, Lord Mitsushige forbade Naohiro's retainers the practice of '''oibara'''.
#* {{rfdate|sh}}, Персида Томић, ''Гласник Етнографског музеја у Београду бр. 28-29: Bulletin du Musée...'':
#*: M. Gušić: Ostajnica – tobelija – virdžina
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Gaius Plinius Secundus, ''Naturalis historia'', 36, 19 — ''C. Plini Secundi naturalis historiae libri XXXVII. Recognovit atque indicibus instruxit Ludovicus Ianus. Vol. V. Libb. XXXIII–XXXVII.'' Lipsia, 1878, p. 108:
#*: in basi autem quod caelatum est '''Pandoras''' genesin appellavit, di sunt nascen''ti adstantes'' XX numero.
#* {{rfdate|la}}, {{w|Tertullian}}, ''de Praescriptione Haereticorum'', 35
#*: ''De '''papavere''' ficus gratissimae et suavissimae ventosa et vana caprificus exsurgit''
#* {{rfdate|it}}, {{w|Dante Alighieri}}, ''{{w|Inferno}}'', ''Canto I'':
#*: Ahi quanto a dir '''qual''' era è cosa dura<br>esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte<br>che nel pensier rinova la paura!
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Plinius, ''Naturalis Historia'', lib. XXII, cap. IX, num. 20; in: ''Pliny Natural History with an English translation in ten volumes Volume VI Libri XX-XXIII By W. H. S. Jones'', 1951, page 308f.:
#*: ob hoc et Phaonem Lesbium dilectum a '''Sappho''', multa circa hoc non Magorum solum vanitate, sed etiam Pythagoricorum.
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Guntherus Cisterciensis, ''De oratione jejunio et eleemosyna libri tredecim'', lib. III, cap. V; in: ''Patrologiae cursus completus sive bibliotheca universalis, integra, uniformis, commoda, oeconomica, omnium SS. patrum, doctorum scriptorumque ecclesiaticorum<!-- qui [...] -->. Series secunda. Patrologiae tomus CCXII'', edited by J.-P. Migne, 1855, col. 131:
#*: Curiose afficiunt, quae ipso auditu libidinem incitant, ut lyrica '''Sapphonis''', elegiae Nasonis, comoediae Menandri, Plauti vel Terentii.
#* {{rfdate|la}}, Hyginus, ''fabulae'', ''Themisto''; in: ''Hygini fabulae, edidit Mauricius Schmidt'', Jena, 1872, page 38:
#*: Athamas Aeoli filius habuit ex Nebula uxore filium Phrixum et filiam Hellen, et ex '''Themisto''' Hypsei filia filios duos, Sphincium et Orchomenum, et ex Ino Cadmi filia filios duos, Learchum et Melicerten.  '''Themisto''', quod se Ino coniugio privasset, filios eius interficere voluit. [...] '''Themisto''' cognita re ipsa se interfecit.
#* {{rfdate|koy}}, Melissa Axelrod, ''The semantic of time. Aspectual Categorization in Koyukon Athabaskan'', page 167 (Extrait de l’histoire traditionnelle : Tobaan Etseh)
#*: "Tsookʼaał, nelo '''too''' gheebenee?" yełnee.<!--
#* {{rfdate|de}}, {{w|Johann Wolfgang von Goethe}}, "[[wikisource:Prometheus (Goethe)|Prometheus]]"
#*: {{quote|de|Ihr nähret kümmerlich / Von Opfersteuern / Und Gebetshauch / Eure Majestät, / Und darbtet, wären / Nicht Kinder und Bettler / Hoffnungsvolle '''Thoren'''.|Your majesty / Is barely nourished / By sacrificial offerings / And prayerful exhalations, / And should starve / Were children and beggars not / '''Fools''' full of Hope.}}
#* {{rfdate|de|of translation}}, Edgar Allan Poe, "The Raven" (german translation by Theodor Etzel)
#*: {{quote|de|Sprach der Rabe: »Nie du '''Tor'''.«|Said the Raven: "Never, you '''fool'''."}}
Unsupported titles/Thai name of Bangkok
#* {{rfdate|th|sort=กรุงเทพมหานคร อมรรัตนโกสินทร์ มหินทรายุทธยา มหาดิลกภพ นพรัตนราชธานีบูรีรมย์ อุดมราชนิเวศน์มหาสถาน อมรพิมานอวตารสถิต สักกะทัตติยวิษณุกรรมประสิทธิ์}}, อมรา ประสิทธิ์รัฐสินธุ์, ''พินิจไทยไตรภาค: ทุติยภาคซ ศิลปวัฒนธรรมและวรรณคดี'':
#*: '''กรุงเทพมหานคร อมรรัตนโกสินทร์ มหินทรายุทธยา มหาดิลกภพ นพรัตนราชธานีบูรีรมย์ อุดมราชนิเวศน์มหาสถาน อมรพิมานอวตารสถิต สักกะทัตติยวิษณุกรรมประสิทธิ์''' (ในสมัยรีชกาลที่ ๔ เปลี่ยน {{...}})<!--see note on talk page-->
#* {{rfdate|sh}}, [[w:Drago Gervais|Drago Gervais]], ''[[s:hr:Pjesme_(Gervais)|Kastavska balada]]'':
#*: {{quote|sh|Kmeti su '''zemju''' kopali,<br/>krepevali, gladovali,<br/>ježuviti spovedali<br/>i va nebo otpravjali.}}