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Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective ivší
verbal noun ení passive adjective ený
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person ím íme eme
2nd person íš íte i ete
3rd person í í

The verb cs-conj-pros-it does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate il ili en eni
masculine inanimate ily eny
feminine ila ena
neuter ilo ila eno ena
transgressives present past
masculine singular iv
feminine + neuter singular ivši
plural ivše


A template for displaying conjugation forms of Czech verbs of the pattern prosit.


Parameter Meaning Note
1 base of the verb without the ending -it and without the last two letters of the base, for example pr for prosit, or povzb for povzbudit Can be omitted, if the word is too short for all three parameters, such as udit, see the example below.
2 the second letter from the end of the base of the verb, for example o for pr-o-s-it. Enables e. g. to shorten the letter in some imperatives, for example the imperative of chránit is chraň and to decide whether the imperative has the ending -i (ovlivnitovlivni) or not. See the examples below.
3 the last letter (exceptionally two letters) of the base of the verb, for example s for pr-o-s-it. Enables e. g. to decide whether the passive or present transgressive ending containts -e- or -ě-, such as věznit → passive vězněn. It also enables to change the last letter of the base in some some passive forms, like prosit → passive prošen. Sometimes two letters st or zd can be filled, e. g. filling st in zjistit (zj|i|st) results in the passive zjištěn. See examples below.
aspect generates the note about future tense, which depends on the aspect of the verb and decides whether present or past transgressives are shown Possible values:
  • the default value is perfective, so for perfective verbs it can be left out
  • "imperfective" (or alternatively "imperfect", "impf", "imp" or "i") for imperfective verbs
  • "pf-impf" (or alternatively "p-i" or "pi") – for verbs which can have both aspects
im 2s imperative 2nd person singular needed only if different from automatically generated form. If filled, generates automatically also 1st and 2nd person plural imperatives
im col colloquial form of the 2nd person singular imperative If filled generates automatically also colloquial forms of the 1st and 2nd person plural imperatives.
past alternative form of the past participle can be filled if it is different than the automatically generated form
past2 another alternative form of the past participle can be filled if it exists
pass It can prevent the passive to be shown or alternative form of the passive can be filled The value "no" causes that no passives are filled if the verb does not have passive forms. Another option is to fill in a passive form if the verb has a different form of passive than the automatically generated one.
pass2 another alternative form of the passive participle
pass ns passive neutral singular The value "yes" enables to show passive neutral singular form of the verb in cases when the verb does not form other passive voice forms, which are disabled by the parameter "pass".
pass ns2 alternative passive neutral singular For practical usage see hrozit
tr1 pres masculine present transgressive, usually not necessary to fill for imperfective verbs which form it simply by adding -e or (fills automatically).
tr2 pres feminine present transgressive, usually not necessary to fill for imperfective verbs which form it simply by adding -íc (fills automatically); generates plural present transgressive too
tr past masculine past transgressive, usually not necessary to fill for perfective verbs which form it simply by adding -iv; generates feminine and plural past transgressives too


For the verb prosit

The letter s changes into š in passive forms automatically, Imperfective aspect needs to be indicated.



Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective prosící
verbal noun prošení passive adjective prošený
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person prosím prosíme prosme
2nd person prosíš prosíte pros proste
3rd person prosí prosí

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-pros-it.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate prosil prosili prošen prošeni
masculine inanimate prosily prošeny
feminine prosila prošena
neuter prosilo prosila prošeno prošena
transgressives present past
masculine singular prose
feminine + neuter singular prosíc
plural prosíce
For the verb překazit

The letter z changes into ž in passive forms automatically. Perfective aspect does not have to be indicated.



Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective překazivší
verbal noun překažení passive adjective překažený
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person překazím překazíme překazme
2nd person překazíš překazíte překaz překazte
3rd person překazí překazí

The verb cs-conj-pros-it does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate překazil překazili překažen překaženi
masculine inanimate překazily překaženy
feminine překazila překažena
neuter překazilo překazila překaženo překažena
transgressives present past
masculine singular překaziv
feminine + neuter singular překazivši
plural překazivše
For the verb pročistit

Adding -st- into the third parameter results in passives with -št-. Parameter "im 2s2" (=imperative 2nd person singular, 2nd form), adds alternative passives, including the plural ones. (If needed, parameters "im 1p2" and "im 2p2" can be used too).

{{cs-conj-pros-it|proč|i|st|im 2s2=pročisti|pass2=pročistěn}}


Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective pročistivší
verbal noun pročištění passive adjective pročištěný
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person pročistím pročistíme pročisťme, pročistěme
2nd person pročistíš pročistíte pročisť, pročisti pročisťte, pročistěte
3rd person pročistí pročistí

The verb cs-conj-pros-it does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate pročistil pročistili pročištěn, pročistěn pročištěni, pročistěni
masculine inanimate pročistily pročištěny, pročistěny
feminine pročistila pročištěna, pročistěna
neuter pročistilo pročistila pročištěno, pročistěno pročištěna, pročistěna
transgressives present past
masculine singular pročistiv
feminine + neuter singular pročistivši
plural pročistivše
For the verb vyhlásit

Adding the parameter "im col" adds a colloquial version of the imperative.

{{cs-conj-pros-it|vyhl|á|s|im col=vyhlaš}}


Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective vyhlásivší
verbal noun vyhlášení passive adjective vyhlášený
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person vyhlásím vyhlásíme vyhlasme,
vyhlašme (coll.)
2nd person vyhlásíš vyhlásíte vyhlas,
vyhlaš (coll.)
vyhlašte (coll.)
3rd person vyhlásí vyhlásí

The verb cs-conj-pros-it does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate vyhlásil vyhlásili vyhlášen vyhlášeni
masculine inanimate vyhlásily vyhlášeny
feminine vyhlásila vyhlášena
neuter vyhlásilo vyhlásila vyhlášeno vyhlášena
transgressives present past
masculine singular vyhlásiv
feminine + neuter singular vyhlásivši
plural vyhlásivše
For the verb jezdit

Adding -zd- into the third parameter results in passives with -žd-, parameter pass2 can show also the alternative version with -zd- if it exists.



Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective jezdící
verbal noun ježdění passive adjective ježděný
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person jezdím jezdíme jezděme
2nd person jezdíš jezdíte jezdi jezděte
3rd person jezdí jezdí

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-pros-it.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate jezdil jezdili ježděn, jezděn ježděni, jezděni
masculine inanimate jezdily ježděny, jezděny
feminine jezdila ježděna, jezděna
neuter jezdilo jezdila ježděno, jezděno ježděna, jezděna
transgressives present past
masculine singular jezdě
feminine + neuter singular jezdíc
plural jezdíce
For the verb hyzdit

If the letters zd are divided into the second and third parameter, they stay the same.



Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective hyzdící
verbal noun hyzdění passive adjective hyzděný
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person hyzdím hyzdíme hyzděme
2nd person hyzdíš hyzdíte hyzdi hyzděte
3rd person hyzdí hyzdí

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-pros-it.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate hyzdil hyzdili hyzděn hyzděni
masculine inanimate hyzdily hyzděny
feminine hyzdila hyzděna
neuter hyzdilo hyzdila hyzděno hyzděna
transgressives present past
masculine singular hyzdě
feminine + neuter singular hyzdíc
plural hyzdíce
For the verb oloupit

Filling the 2nd parameter with -ou- can display the imperative correctly for verbs like koupit or oloupit.



Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective oloupivší
verbal noun oloupení passive adjective oloupený
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person oloupím oloupíme olupme
2nd person oloupíš oloupíte olup olupte
3rd person oloupí oloupí

The verb cs-conj-pros-it does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate oloupil oloupili oloupen oloupeni
masculine inanimate oloupily oloupeny
feminine oloupila oloupena
neuter oloupilo oloupila oloupeno oloupena
transgressives present past
masculine singular oloupiv
feminine + neuter singular oloupivši
plural oloupivše
For the verb drtit

Adding the parameter "im 2s" (=imperative 2nd person singular) enables to show different imperative than the automatically generated (which would be non-existing *drti in this case).

{{cs-conj-pros-it|d|r|t|im 2s=drť|aspect=i}}


Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective drtící
verbal noun drcení passive adjective drcený
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person drtím drtíme drťme
2nd person drtíš drtíte drť drťte
3rd person drtí drtí

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-pros-it.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate drtil drtili drcen drceni
masculine inanimate drtily drceny
feminine drtila drcena
neuter drtilo drtila drceno drcena
transgressives present past
masculine singular drtě
feminine + neuter singular drtíc
plural drtíce
For the verb udit

Sometimes the verb is too short to fill all the first three parameters. In such a case the first parameter is left empty.



Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective udící
verbal noun uzení passive adjective uzený
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person udím udíme uďme
2nd person udíš udíte uďte
3rd person udí udí

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-pros-it.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate udil udili uzen uzeni
masculine inanimate udily uzeny
feminine udila uzena
neuter udilo udila uzeno uzena
transgressives present past
masculine singular udě
feminine + neuter singular udíc
plural udíce
For the verb lišit

If the verb has no passive forms, the passive can be disabled by setting the parameter "pass" to "no":



Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective lišící
verbal noun lišení passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person liším lišíme lišme
2nd person lišíš lišíte liš lište
3rd person liší liší

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-pros-it.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate lišil lišili
masculine inanimate lišily
feminine lišila
neuter lišilo lišila
transgressives present past
masculine singular liše
feminine + neuter singular lišíc
plural lišíce
For the verb souhlasit

If the verb has no passive forms with the exception of neuter singular, the passive can be generally disabled and passive neuter singular enabled:

{{cs-conj-pros-it|souhl|a|s|pass=no|pass ns=yes|aspect=i}}


Conjugation of cs-conj-pros-it
infinitive cs-conj-pros-it, cs-conj-pros-iti active adjective souhlasící
verbal noun souhlašení passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person souhlasím souhlasíme souhlasme
2nd person souhlasíš souhlasíte souhlas souhlaste
3rd person souhlasí souhlasí

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive cs-conj-pros-it.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate souhlasil souhlasili
masculine inanimate souhlasily
feminine souhlasila
neuter souhlasilo souhlasila souhlaseno
transgressives present past
masculine singular souhlase
feminine + neuter singular souhlasíc
plural souhlasíce