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  • IPA(key): [ˈpaːlfi]
  • Hyphenation: Pál‧fi
  • Rhymes: -fi

Proper noun



  1. a surname

Usage notes


Hungarian surnames ending in -i or -y (both pronounced /i/, e.g. Munkácsy, Kölcsey, Petőfi, Jókai) may form their plurals with or without a linking vowel. These variants are usually synonyms with an occasional difference in meaning. (Reference in Hungarian: e-nyelv: The plural of surnames ending in -i or -y.)

  • The variant with a linking vowel may indicate the persons belonging to the family with that surname.
    Megérkeztek a Munkácsyak!The Munkácsys (the Munkácsy family) are here!
  • The variant without a linking vowel may indicate similar personalities or the works, writings, paintings, etc. of a famous person with that surname.
    Megérkeztek a Munkácsyk!The Munkácsys (the paintings of Munkácsy) are here!


Inflection (stem in long/high vowel, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative Pálfi Pálfik
accusative Pálfit Pálfikat
dative Pálfinak Pálfiknak
instrumental Pálfival Pálfikkal
causal-final Pálfiért Pálfikért
translative Pálfivá Pálfikká
terminative Pálfiig Pálfikig
essive-formal Pálfiként Pálfikként
inessive Pálfiban Pálfikban
superessive Pálfin Pálfikon
adessive Pálfinál Pálfiknál
illative Pálfiba Pálfikba
sublative Pálfira Pálfikra
allative Pálfihoz Pálfikhoz
elative Pálfiból Pálfikból
delative Pálfiról Pálfikról
ablative Pálfitól Pálfiktól
possessive - singular
Pálfié Pálfiké
possessive - plural
Pálfiéi Pálfikéi
Inflection (stem in -a-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative Pálfi Pálfiak
accusative Pálfit Pálfiakat
dative Pálfinak Pálfiaknak
instrumental Pálfival Pálfiakkal
causal-final Pálfiért Pálfiakért
translative Pálfivá Pálfiakká
terminative Pálfiig Pálfiakig
essive-formal Pálfiként Pálfiakként
inessive Pálfiban Pálfiakban
superessive Pálfin Pálfiakon
adessive Pálfinál Pálfiaknál
illative Pálfiba Pálfiakba
sublative Pálfira Pálfiakra
allative Pálfihoz Pálfiakhoz
elative Pálfiból Pálfiakból
delative Pálfiról Pálfiakról
ablative Pálfitól Pálfiaktól
possessive - singular
Pálfié Pálfiaké
possessive - plural
Pálfiéi Pálfiakéi
Possessive forms of Pálfi
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. Pálfim Pálfijaim
2nd person sing. Pálfid Pálfijaid
3rd person sing. Pálfija Pálfijai
1st person plural Pálfink Pálfijaink
2nd person plural Pálfitok Pálfijaitok
3rd person plural Pálfijuk Pálfijaik