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Japanese citations of 茜さす

Adnominal (pillow word)

  • c. 10011014, Murasaki Shikibu, Genji Monogatari (Miyuki), poem 4
    akane sasu hikari wa sora ni kumoranu o nadote miyuki ni me o kirashiken
    As the madder-red shining light does not dull the sky, how on its progress might one's eyes have been clouded by snow?
  • c. 1151, Shika Wakashū (book 6, poem 178 by the consort of former Emperor Ichijō)
    akane sasu hi ni mukaite mo omoide yo miyako wa harenu nagamesuran to
    (please add an English translation of this example)
  • 1205, Shin Kokin Wakashū (book 7, poem 748 by the head priest of Ise Shrine Sukechika) text here
    akane sasu asahi no sato no hikage-gusa toyo no akari no kazashi naru beshi
    (please add an English translation of this example)
  • 1251, Shokugosen Wakashū (book 7, poem 417 by Minamoto no Ienaga Ason)
    hatsu-shigure furisakemireba akane sasu Mikasa-no-yama wa momiji shinikeri
    (please add an English translation of this example)
  • c. 1346–1349, Fūga Wakashū (book 20, poem 2205 by former middle counselor Masafusa)
    kumori naki kimi ga miyo ni wa akane sasu Hioki-no-sato mo nigiwainikeri
    (please add an English translation of this example)
  • 1359, Shin Senzai Wakashū (book 19, poem 2196 by Minamoto no Shitagō)
    yo no naka o nani ni tatoen akane sasu asahi matsu ma no hagi no ue no tsuyu
    (please add an English translation of this example)

Phrase: “shining or glowing madder red

  • 112427, Kin'yō Wakashū (book 10, poem 644 by Taira no Tamenari)
    hi no iru wa kurenai ni koso nitarikere akane sasu to mo omoikeru kana
    (please add an English translation of this example)

Old Japanese citations of 茜さす

  • , text here
    akane sasu murasaki1no1 yuki1 sime2no1 yuki no1mori pa mi1zu ya ki1mi1 ga so1de puru
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  • , text here
    akane sasu pi1 pa teraseredo2 nubatama no2 yo1wataru tuki2 no2 kakuraku wosi mo
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  • , text here
    ...Paniyasu no2 mi1-kado1 no2 para ni akane sasu pi1 no2 ko2to2go2to2 sisizimono2 i-papi1pusitutu...
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 4, by Princess Kamo poem 565 by Princess Kamo:
    , text here
    Opoto2mo no2 mi1tu to2 pa ipazi akane sasu tereru tukuyo1 ni tada ape1ri to2 mo
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  • , text here
    akane sasu pi1 narabe2naku ni waga ko1pi2 pa Yo2sino1-no2-kapa no2 ki2ri ni tatitutu
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  • , text here
    akane sasu pi1 no2 kurenureba sube1 wo nami1 titabi1 nage2ki1te ko1pi2tutu so2 woru
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  • , text here
    ...akane sasu pi1ru pa simira ni nubatama no2 yo1ru pa sugara ni ko2no2 to2ko2 no2 pi1si to2 naru made nage2ki1turu ka mo
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  • , text here
    ...akane sasu pi1ru pa simira ni nubatama no2 yo1ru pa sugara ni i mo nezu ni imo ni ko1puru ni ike1ru sube1 nasi
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  • , text here
    akane sasu pi1ru pa mono2mopi1 nubatama no2 yo1ru pa sugara ni ne nomi2 si nakayu
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 16, by a certain Makatachi poem 3857 by a certain Makatachi:
    , text here
    ipi1 pame2do2 umaku mo arazu i-nuredo2mo yasuku mo arazu akane sasu ki1mi1 ga ko2ko2ro2 si wasurekanetu mo
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  • , text here
    ...akane sasu pi1ru pa sime1ra ni asipi1ki2 no2 yatu wo tobi1ko1ye nubatama no2 yo1ru pa sugara ni akato2ki1 no2 tuki2 ni mukapi1te...
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  • , text here
    akane sasu pi1ru pa ta tabi1te nubatama no2 yo1ru no2 ito1ma ni tume1ru seri ko2re
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)