Category:Danish nouns
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Danish terms that indicate people, beings, things, places, phenomena, qualities or ideas.
- Category:Danish noun forms: Danish nouns that are inflected to display grammatical relations other than the main form.
- Category:Danish agent nouns: Danish nouns that denote an agent that performs the action denoted by the verb from which the noun is derived.
- Category:Danish collective nouns: Danish nouns that indicate groups of related things or beings, without the need of grammatical pluralization.
- Category:Danish countable nouns: Danish nouns that can be quantified directly by numerals.
- Category:Danish diminutive nouns: Danish nouns that are derived from a base word to convey endearment, small size or small intensity.
- Category:Danish nouns by gender: Danish nouns organized by the gender they belong to.
- Category:Danish nominalized adjectives: Danish adjectives that are used as nouns.
- Category:Danish pluralia tantum: Danish nouns that are mostly or exclusively used in the plural form.
- Category:Danish proper nouns: Danish nouns that indicate individual entities, such as names of persons, places or organizations.
- Category:Danish singularia tantum: Danish nouns that are mostly or exclusively used in the singular form.
- Category:Danish uncountable nouns: Danish nouns that indicate qualities, ideas, unbounded mass or other abstract concepts that cannot be quantified directly by numerals.
This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.
- Danish noun forms (0 c, 24971 e)
- Danish agent nouns (0 c, 3 e)
- Danish collective nouns (0 c, 4 e)
- Danish countable nouns (0 c, 48 e)
- Danish nominalized adjectives (0 c, 14 e)
- Danish pluralia tantum (0 c, 41 e)
- Danish singularia tantum (0 c, 4 e)
- Danish uncountable nouns (0 c, 153 e)
Pages in category "Danish nouns"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 10,975 total.
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- A
- a
- a cappella-kor
- a-bombe
- a-cappella-kor
- a-kasse
- a-kraft
- A/S
- A38
- aarhusianer
- abasi
- abbed
- abbedi
- abbedisse
- abc
- abdikation
- abe
- abebestand
- abebrødtræ
- abekat
- abeløjer
- aber dabei
- aberration
- abessiner
- abildgård
- abkhaser
- ablation
- ablativ
- abonnement
- aboriginer
- aborre
- abort
- abrikos
- abrikostræ
- absence
- absint
- absolut temperatur
- absolution
- absolutist
- absolutkvadrat
- absorption
- abstrakt
- abstraktionsniveau
- absurditet
- abyssinier
- acceleration
- accent
- acesulfam-kalium
- acetat
- acetone
- acetylsalicylsyre
- actinium
- adamsæble
- addition
- adel
- adelsdame
- adelskvinde
- adelsmand
- adfærd
- adgang
- adgangsbillet
- adgangskode
- adjektiv
- adjunkt
- administration
- adoptivbarn
- adoptivsøn
- adresse
- advarsel
- advent
- adverbium
- advokado
- advokat
- aerodynamik
- aerofobi
- afart
- afasi
- afatiker
- afbed
- afbetaling
- afbigt
- afbildning
- afbrudt samleje
- afbrydelse
- afdeling
- affald
- affaldsafgift
- affaldsbeholder
- affaldsbørs
- affaldscontainer
- affaldsdeponering
- affaldsdeponi
- affaldsdepot
- affaldsdynge
- affaldsgebyr
- affaldskurv
- affaldspose
- affaldsskakt
- affaldssortering
- affaldsstof
- affaldstræ
- affekt
- affektion
- affirmation
- affolkning
- affære
- afføring
- afgang
- afgangstid
- afghaner
- afgift
- afgivelse
- afgrund
- afgrøde
- afgud
- afgudsdyrkelse
- afhandling
- afhentning
- afhold
- afholdenhed
- afholdsmand
- afhængefald
- afhængighed
- afhængighedsfald
- afisoleringstang
- afkolonisering
- afkom
- afkristning
- aflad
- afledning
- aflevering
- aflyd
- afløb
- afløbsrens
- afmagt
- aforisme
- afpresning
- afprøvning
- afrikaaner
- afrikaans
- afrikander
- afrikaner
- afrodansker
- afrodisiakum
- afsender
- afskaffelse
- afsked
- afskedigelse
- afskedsord
- afskovning
- afskrift
- afskriver
- afsky
- afskygning
- afslappethed
- afslutning
- afsmitning
- afsnit
- afsnitsfølge
- afstand
- afstemning
- afsæt
- aftager
- aftagerland
- aftale
- aften
- aftenkjole
- aftensmad
- aftes
- aftrædelsesrum
- aftrækker
- aftægt
- afvandingsområde
- afvigelse
- afviger
- afvænning
- agat
- agave
- agent
- agentur
- ager
- agerbrug
- agerdyrkning
- ageren
- agerhøne
- agerjord
- agerland
- agern
- agglomerat
- agglutination
- aggregat
- aggression
- aggressor
- agitation
- agitator
- agn