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Appendix:Old Church Slavonic correlatives

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type interrogative indefinite negative collective (medial) demonstrative proximal
relative indefinite
identity other
basic къто (kŭto, who?),
чьто (čĭto, what?),
кꙑи (kyi, which?)
къто (kŭto, someone, somebody),
нечьто (nečĭto, something)
некъто (nekŭto, no one),
нечьто (nečĭto, nothing),
некꙑи (nekyi)
вьсь (vĭsĭ, all, every),
вьсѣкъ (vĭsěkŭ, any, every)
тъ (, this, that) сь (, this) онъ (onŭ, that yonder, yon) ижє (iže, who, what, which),
кꙑи (kyi, which)
ижє аште (iže ašte, whoever, whatever) истъ (istŭ, the same),
самъ истъ (samŭ istŭ),
ѥдинъ (jedinŭ, one, the same)
дроугъ (drugŭ, the other),
инъ (inŭ, another)
plural которꙑи (kotoryi, which?),
какъ (kakŭ)
етеръ (eterŭ, any),
кꙑи (kyi, some, any)
никаковъ (nikakovŭ, no, none),
никакъже (nikakŭže),
ниѥдинъ (nijedinŭ)
оба (oba, both),
къжьдо (kŭžĭdo, every, each),
вьсь (vĭsĭ, all)
quality какъ (kakŭ, what kind?),
каковъ (kakovŭ)
какъ (kakŭ, some kind of),
каковъ (kakovŭ)
такъ (takŭ, such, this kind) ꙗкъ (jakŭ, which kind; such as)
quantity колико (koliko, how much? how many?),
кольми (kolĭmi)
колико (koliko, some amount of),
кольми (kolĭmi)
толико (toliko, this amount, this much) ѥлико (jeliko, which amount, such amount)
manner како (kako, how? why?) како (kako, somehow) тако (tako, so, this way, alike) ꙗко (jako, somehow, how, as; because) въкоупъ (vŭkupŭ, together, in the same way),
коупьно (kupĭno)
place къде (kŭde, where?) къде (kŭde, somewhere) никъде (nikŭde, nowhere) вьсьде (vĭsĭde, everywhere) ту (tu, here, there) сьде (sĭde, here) оноуде (onude, there, yonder),
онъде (onŭde),
тамо (tamo, there)
иде (ide, where, when),
идеже (ideže),
ꙗможе (jamože, where)
идеже аще (ideže ašte, wherever) тоужде (tužde, there, at the same place),
тоуже (tuže)
дроугъде (drugŭde, elsewhere, another time),
дроугоиде (drugoide)
source отъкѫдоу (otŭkǫdu, from where? whence?),
кѫдоу (kǫdu)
отъвьсѫдоу (otŭvĭsǫdu, from everywhere) отътѫдоу (otŭtǫdu, from here, from there),
отътоли (otŭtoli, from here)
сѫдоу (sǫdu, from here; hence),
отъсѫдоу (otŭsǫdu)
отънѫдоу (otŭnǫdu, from where) отънѭдѣже аще (otŭnjǫděže ašte, from wherever)
destination камо (kamo, to where? whither?) камо (kamo, to somewhere; somewhither) никамо (nikamo, nowhere),
никаможе (nikamože)
вьсꙗмо (vĭsjamo, everywhere; in every direction) тамо (tamo, to that place; thither) сѣмо (sěmo, to here; hither; to there) онамо (onamo, to that place yonder; thither) ꙗмо (jamo, to where; whither; anywhere),
ꙗможе (jamože)
ꙗможе аще (jamože ašte, to wherever) таможе (tamože, to the same place),
таможде (tamožde)
инамо (inamo, to somewhere else)
time къгда (kŭgda, when?),
коли (koli)
къгда (kŭgda, some time, once; sometimes),
коли (koli)
никогда (nikogda, never),
николи (nikoli),
никогдаже (nikogdaže),
николиже (nikoliže)
вьсегда (vĭsegda, always, each time; still),
вꙑинѫ (vyinǫ),
вꙑнѫ (vynǫ)
тогда (togda, then, at that time; once) нꙑнѣ (nyně, now, at this time),
сьде (sĭde),
се нꙑнѣ (se nyně)
ѥгда (jegda, when),
ѥли (jeli),
къгда (kŭgda),
коли (koli),
ѥгдаже (jegdaže),
ѥлиже (jeliže)
ѥгдаже (jegdaže, whenever),
ѥлиже (jeliže),
ѥгдаже аще (jegdaže ašte),
ѥлиже аще (jeliže ašte)
въкоупъ (vŭkupŭ, at the same time; simultaneously),
коупьно (kupĭno),
по томь же (po tomĭ že),
тоужде (tužde)
иногда (inogda, at another time),
дроугъде (drugŭde)
exact time въ кꙑи часъ (vŭ kyi časŭ, at what time?) въ кꙑи часъ (vŭ kyi časŭ, at some time) въ тъ часъ (vŭ tŭ časŭ, at that time, moment; immediately),
въ томь часѣ (vŭ tomĭ časě)
въ сь часъ (vŭ sĭ časŭ, at this time, now) въ кꙑи часъ (vŭ kyi časŭ, at which time) въ кꙑи часъ аште (vŭ kyi časŭ ašte, at whatever time)
size, age коликъ (kolikŭ, how big? how great?) коликъ (kolikŭ, some size) толикъ (tolikŭ, so big; so great),
таковъ (takovŭ)
коликъ (kolikŭ, which size) коликъ аште (kolikŭ ašte, whatever size)
repetition коль кратъ (kolĭ kratŭ, how many times?) коль кратъ (kolĭ kratŭ, some number of times) толь кратъ (tolĭ kratŭ, this many times) ѥлико кратъ (jeliko kratŭ, how many times) ѥль кратъ аще (jelĭ kratŭ ašte, however many times)
† Forms used in early Church Slavonic
Relative also used in exclamations; either relative or indefinite relative used in indirect questions.