Appendix:Old Church Slavonic correlatives
type | interrogative | indefinite | negative | collective | (medial) demonstrative | proximal demonstrative |
distal demonstrative |
relative | indefinite relative |
identity | other |
basic | къто (kŭto, “who?”), чьто (čĭto, “what?”), кꙑи (kyi, “which?”) |
къто (kŭto, “someone, somebody”), нечьто (nečĭto, “something”) |
некъто (nekŭto, “no one”), нечьто (nečĭto, “nothing”), некꙑи (nekyi) |
вьсь (vĭsĭ, “all, every”), вьсѣкъ (vĭsěkŭ, “any, every”) |
тъ (tŭ, “this, that”) | †сь (sĭ, “this”) | онъ (onŭ, “that yonder, yon”) | ижє (iže, “who, what, which”), кꙑи (kyi, “which”) |
ижє аште (iže ašte, “whoever, whatever”) | истъ (istŭ, “the same”), самъ истъ (samŭ istŭ), ѥдинъ (jedinŭ, “one, the same”) |
дроугъ (drugŭ, “the other”), инъ (inŭ, “another”) |
plural | которꙑи (kotoryi, “which?”), какъ (kakŭ) |
етеръ (eterŭ, “any”), кꙑи (kyi, “some, any”) |
никаковъ (nikakovŭ, “no, none”), никакъже (nikakŭže), ниѥдинъ (nijedinŭ) |
оба (oba, “both”), къжьдо (kŭžĭdo, “every, each”), вьсь (vĭsĭ, “all”) |
quality | какъ (kakŭ, “what kind?”), каковъ (kakovŭ) |
какъ (kakŭ, “some kind of”), каковъ (kakovŭ) |
такъ (takŭ, “such, this kind”) | ꙗкъ (jakŭ, “which kind; such as”) | |||||||
quantity | колико (koliko, “how much? how many?”), кольми (kolĭmi) |
колико (koliko, “some amount of”), кольми (kolĭmi) |
толико (toliko, “this amount, this much”) | ѥлико (jeliko, “which amount, such amount”) | |||||||
manner | како (kako, “how? why?”) | како (kako, “somehow”) | тако (tako, “so, this way, alike”) | ꙗко (jako, “somehow, how, as; because”) | въкоупъ (vŭkupŭ, “together, in the same way”), коупьно (kupĭno) |
place | къде (kŭde, “where?”) | къде (kŭde, “somewhere”) | никъде (nikŭde, “nowhere”) | вьсьде (vĭsĭde, “everywhere”) | ту (tu, “here, there”) | †сьде (sĭde, “here”) | оноуде (onude, “there, yonder”), онъде (onŭde), тамо (tamo, “there”) |
иде (ide, “where, when”), идеже (ideže), ꙗможе (jamože, “where”) |
идеже аще (ideže ašte, “wherever”) | тоужде (tužde, “there, at the same place”), тоуже (tuže) |
дроугъде (drugŭde, “elsewhere, another time”), дроугоиде (drugoide) |
source | отъкѫдоу (otŭkǫdu, “from where? whence?”), кѫдоу (kǫdu) |
отъвьсѫдоу (otŭvĭsǫdu, “from everywhere”) | отътѫдоу (otŭtǫdu, “from here, from there”), отътоли (otŭtoli, “from here”) |
†сѫдоу (sǫdu, “from here; hence”), отъсѫдоу (otŭsǫdu) |
отънѫдоу (otŭnǫdu, “from where”) | отънѭдѣже аще (otŭnjǫděže ašte, “from wherever”) | |||||
destination | камо (kamo, “to where? whither?”) | камо (kamo, “to somewhere; somewhither”) | никамо (nikamo, “nowhere”), никаможе (nikamože) |
вьсꙗмо (vĭsjamo, “everywhere; in every direction”) | тамо (tamo, “to that place; thither”) | сѣмо (sěmo, “to here; hither; to there”) | онамо (onamo, “to that place yonder; thither”) | ꙗмо (jamo, “to where; whither; anywhere”), ꙗможе (jamože) |
ꙗможе аще (jamože ašte, “to wherever”) | таможе (tamože, “to the same place”), таможде (tamožde) |
инамо (inamo, “to somewhere else”) |
time | къгда (kŭgda, “when?”), коли (koli) |
къгда (kŭgda, “some time, once; sometimes”), коли (koli) |
никогда (nikogda, “never”), николи (nikoli), никогдаже (nikogdaže), николиже (nikoliže) |
вьсегда (vĭsegda, “always, each time; still”), вꙑинѫ (vyinǫ), вꙑнѫ (vynǫ) |
тогда (togda, “then, at that time; once”) | нꙑнѣ (nyně, “now, at this time”), сьде (sĭde), се нꙑнѣ (se nyně) |
ѥгда (jegda, “when”), ѥли (jeli), къгда (kŭgda), коли (koli), ѥгдаже (jegdaže), ѥлиже (jeliže) |
ѥгдаже (jegdaže, “whenever”), ѥлиже (jeliže), ѥгдаже аще (jegdaže ašte), ѥлиже аще (jeliže ašte) |
въкоупъ (vŭkupŭ, “at the same time; simultaneously”), коупьно (kupĭno), по томь же (po tomĭ že), тоужде (tužde) |
иногда (inogda, “at another time”), дроугъде (drugŭde) | |
exact time | въ кꙑи часъ (vŭ kyi časŭ, “at what time?”) | въ кꙑи часъ (vŭ kyi časŭ, “at some time”) | въ тъ часъ (vŭ tŭ časŭ, “at that time, moment; immediately”), въ томь часѣ (vŭ tomĭ časě) |
въ сь часъ (vŭ sĭ časŭ, “at this time, now”) | въ кꙑи часъ (vŭ kyi časŭ, “at which time”) | въ кꙑи часъ аште (vŭ kyi časŭ ašte, “at whatever time”) | |||||
size, age | коликъ (kolikŭ, “how big? how great?”) | коликъ (kolikŭ, “some size”) | толикъ (tolikŭ, “so big; so great”), таковъ (takovŭ) |
коликъ (kolikŭ, “which size”) | коликъ аште (kolikŭ ašte, “whatever size”) | ||||||
repetition | коль кратъ (kolĭ kratŭ, “how many times?”) | коль кратъ (kolĭ kratŭ, “some number of times”) | толь кратъ (tolĭ kratŭ, “this many times”) | ѥлико кратъ (jeliko kratŭ, “how many times”) | ѥль кратъ аще (jelĭ kratŭ ašte, “however many times”) | ||||||
† Forms used in early Church Slavonic Relative also used in exclamations; either relative or indefinite relative used in indirect questions. |