Appendix:False friends between Indonesian and Standard Malay (C-D)
Main article: Appendix:Indonesian–Standard Malay relations
This is a list of Indonesian-Malay false friends, that is, word pairs similar in appearance but different in meaning. Diacritics are shown for clarity in this table (while they are not usually written). Translations may be approximated; see linked entries for details.
Indonesian | Standard Malay | Translation, Indonesian only |
Translation, Both |
Translation, Standard Malay only |
Notes |
cadangan | cadangan | spare | - | suggestion; proposal; opinion | |
capaian | capaian | achievement | - | access | |
catatan | catatan | - | note, record, remark; warning | entry | |
cêroboh | ceroboh | indecent, improper; rude; careless, negligent; sloppy, untidy | trespass | ||
comèl | comél | grumbler, grouser | cute; pretty (dialectal) | ||
cukai | cukai | excise | tax | ||
daripada | daripada | than (comparison) | from (all senses) (clarification of this definition is needed) | As in the "from" in regards to receiving letters ("daripada dia", from them) and detailing type of material ("daripada kayu", [made] from wood), etc. | |
darurat | darurat | emergency | state of emergency | ||
daya | daya | power (physics) | force (physics) | ||
daur | daur | rotation, cycle, turn | period | ||
débit | débit | discharge (hydrology), flowrate | debit (accounting) | - | |
dêkat | dekat | near | at, in, on | ||
dêtik | detik | second | jiffy | ||
disénteri | disénteri | to be shined by flashlight | dysentery | ||
doktor | doktor | doctor (person who has doctorate) | doctor (medical doctor) | ||
duduk | duduk | to sit | to reside (informal) | The sense of "to reside" is dated in Indonesian and can be found in the derivation such as penduduk (“resident”). | |
dukung | dukung | to support | to carry in the arms | ||
dorong | dorong | to push; to boost | to propel | to encourage, to motivate | |
dramatis | dramatis | dramatic | - | dramatist |