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Appendix:False friends between Indonesian and Standard Malay (C-D)

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This is a list of Indonesian-Malay false friends, that is, word pairs similar in appearance but different in meaning. Diacritics are shown for clarity in this table (while they are not usually written). Translations may be approximated; see linked entries for details.

Indonesian Standard Malay Translation,
Indonesian only
Standard Malay only
cadangan cadangan spare - suggestion; proposal; opinion
capaian capaian achievement - access
catatan catatan - note, record, remark; warning entry
cêroboh ceroboh indecent, improper; rude; careless, negligent; sloppy, untidy trespass
comèl comél grumbler, grouser cute; pretty (dialectal)
cukai cukai excise tax
daripada daripada than (comparison) from (all senses) (clarification of this definition is needed) As in the "from" in regards to receiving letters ("daripada dia", from them) and detailing type of material ("daripada kayu", [made] from wood), etc.
darurat darurat emergency state of emergency
daya daya power (physics) force (physics)
daur daur rotation, cycle, turn period
débit débit discharge (hydrology), flowrate debit (accounting) -
dêkat dekat near at, in, on
dêtik detik second jiffy
disénteri disénteri to be shined by flashlight dysentery
doktor doktor doctor (person who has doctorate) doctor (medical doctor)
duduk duduk to sit to reside (informal) The sense of "to reside" is dated in Indonesian and can be found in the derivation such as penduduk (resident).
dukung dukung to support to carry in the arms
dorong dorong to push; to boost to propel to encourage, to motivate
dramatis dramatis dramatic - dramatist