Appendix:English writing device keyboards
In English-speaking countries keyboards have been used for typewriters, computer terminals, word processors, computers, and various hand-held devices.
The largest natural grouping of keys is those corresponding to the 26 letters of the alphabet. Other standard groups are the keys assigned to the 10 numerical digits and to certain punctuation marks. Editing and formatting are less standardized. Typewriters and printing terminals lacked many keys that are common on computer keyboards.
Many keyboards have a set of numbered function keys, often 10 or 12, which may be assigned functions by software.
Here are other common keys and words used to specify them, some only in print. (Any key name can optionally have "key" added, e.g. "Enter" could be called the "Enter key".)
- Used on typewriter keyboards, printing terminals, and modern computers
- Used on printing terminals and modern computers
- F1, help key*
- control key*, control, Control, ctrl*, Ctrl, ctl, Ctl
- alt, Alt, ALT key
- break, Break
- pause, Pause
- escape, Escape
- Used on modern computers
- print screen, prtsc, PrtSc, prt sc, Prt Sc
- home, Home
- page up*, pageup, pgup*, PgUp*, pg up, Pg Up
- page down*, pagedown, pgdn*, PgDn*
- end, End
- right arrow
- left arrow
- [*] Appears in a OneLook Dictionary