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Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/U-Z

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U-bit Udden grade scale ugrandite uhligite uigite uintaite ulexite ullmannite Ullrich magnetic separators ulmain ulmification ulmin brown ulminite ulrichite ultimate analysis ultimate bearing capacity ultimate bearing pressure ultimate CO (sub 2) ultimate compressive strength ultimate elongation ultimately controlled variable ultimate strength ultimate tensile stress ultrabasic ultrabasite ultraflotation ultramafic ultramafites ultramarine ultramarine yellow ultrametamorphism ultramicroscope ultramylonite ultrasima ultrasonic drilling ultrasonic inspection ultrasonic testing ultrasonic tests ultrasonography ultraviolet ultraviolet rays ultrawet ulvite ulvoespinel umangite umbauhobel umber umbrella umohoite umpire U.M. plate unakite unbalanced cutter chain unbalanced hoisting unbalanced shothole unchuck unclassified excavation unconfined compression appliance unconfined compression test unconfined compressive strength unconformability unconformable unconformity unconsolidated strata unconsolidated surface deposits unconventional mineral deposit unctuous uncut undation theory under underboom sprays underbreak underbreaking underburden undercast underchain haulage underchaining underclay underclay limestone undercliff underconsolidated soil deposit undercurrent undercut undercut atomizer undercut ignition undercut quarry undercutter undercutting undercutting machine undercutting of old workings underdrilling underearth underedge stone underfeed underfeed stoker underfire underflow underground bunker underground cable underground coal gasification underground connections underground dam underground exploration underground fires underground garage underground gasification underground geology underground glory-hole method underground haulage underground milling underground mine conveyor underground opening underground ore bin underground shaft underground station underground surveying underground transformer underground transportation underground water underground workshop underhand longwall underhand stope underhand stoping underhand vertical slice underhand work underhole underlay underlay shaft underlevel underlie underloading underlying underlying beds undermanager undermine underpinning underpoled copper underream underreamer underreamer bit underreamer cutter underreamer lug underreaming underreaming bit underrope haulage undersaturated underscreen water undersea prospecting undersea workings undershot wheel undersize undersize control screen undersize core underthrust undertow undertub system undervoltage relays underweight underwinding undeveloped land undiscovered resources undisturbed sample undulatory extinction unequal angle uneven fracture unfaced quartz ungemachite ungotten uniaxial uniaxial stone unicline unidimensional consolidation unidirectional ventilation uniformitarianism uniformity coefficient Unifrax unilateral transducer un-ionized union shop unique diameter unit unit cell unit coal united veins unit operation unit pressures unit process unit retardation plate unit strain unit stress unit train unit value unit ventilation unit weight unit weight of water univalent universal arc-shearing machine universal clamp universal coal cutter universal coupling universal gas mask universal-joint couplings universal lay rope universal machine universal motor universal pH indicator universal plant indicator universal stage universal testing machine universal train unkeying unlimited pump unloader unloading conveyor unloading trough unlocking unmix unmixing unoriented unpatented claim unproductive development unproven area unreserved mineral unrestrained compression apparatus unripe diamond unsaturated unscreened coal unsealing unsoiling unsoundness unstable unstable isotope unstable relict unstratified unwatering unweathered upcast upcast shaft upconing upgrade upgrading uphill shaker conveyor up hole uphole shooting uphole time uplift up-over upper Upper Barren Coal Measures upper break upper explosive limit of flammability Upper Productive Coal Measures upraise upright upright fold upright joints upset upsetting uptake upthrow upward-current washer uraconite uralborite Uralian emerald uralite uralitization uramphite uran urania ceramics uranian opal uranic ocher uraninite uranite uranium uranium borides uranium disintegration series uranium galena uranium-lead uranium minerals uranium oxide uranium trioxide uranmica urano- uranocircite uranolite uranophane uranopilite uranorthorite uranosphaerite uranotantalite uranothallite uranothorianite uranothorite uranotile uranphyllite uranpyrochlore urao urea Ure's process Urgonian urnel urolith urtite Uruguay amethyst usable diamond usable iron ore usables usable stone used bit useful area useful pressure Usspurwies arch U-stage ustarasite usual mining privileges utahite utahlite U-tube manometer uvanite uvarovite uvite uwarowit uzbekite vacancy vacant land Vacquier-Steenland method vacuole vacuum vacuum casting vacuum common fine salt vacuum concrete vacuum deposition vacuum fan vacuum filter vacuum filtration vacuum lifting vacuum metallurgy vacuum method vacuum method of testing sand vacuum pump vacuum system vadose water vaesite vake valaite Valantin conveyor cutter valence valence bond valence crystals valencianite Valentine scale valentinite valentite valleriite vallevarite valley brown ore valley fill Vallum diamond Val separator valuation value valve tower vamping van vanadate vanadic ocher vanadinite vanadite vanadium vanadium minerals vanadium ore vanadium-zirconium turquoise vanalite Van Allen radiation zone van Arkel and de Boer process vandenbrandeite vandenbrandite vandendriesscheite van der Kolk method van der Waals bond van Dorn sampler Vandyke brown vane vane anemometer vane-axial fan vane shear test vane shear tester vane test vane tester vanner grease belt vanoxite vanthoffite vanuralite vapart mill vapor vapor barrier vapor density vaporization vapor pressure vapor system vara V-arching Varian nuclear magnetometer variation variation compass variegated variegated copper ore variegated ore varietal mineral variety variogram variole variolite variolitic variometer variscite varislope screen varlamoffite varulite varve varve clay varved clay varves vashegyite vat vaterite vaughanite vauquelinite vauxite V-bob V-box V-bucket conveyor elevator VCR V-cut veatchite vector vee cut vees vee table veez vegasite vegetable jelly veil vein veined gneiss vein intersection vein material vein miner vein or lode claim vein quartz veinstone veinstuff vein system velardenite velikhovite velocities in pipes velocity velocity determination velocity discontinuity velocity distribution velocity head velocity lag velocity meter velocity of air current velocity of approach velocity of detonation velocity of retreat velocity pressure velocity profile velocity ratio velocity reducing collector velometer velvet velvet copper ore vend vendeennite Venetian red venite vent vent bag ventilating column ventilating current ventilating fan ventilating pressure ventilation ventilation department ventilation doors ventilation ducts ventilation efficiency ventilation mason ventilation plan ventilation planning ventilation pressure ventilation regulator ventilation standards ventilation stopping ventilation survey ventilation symbols ventilation tubing ventilator vent pipe vent tube ventubes Venturi Venturi blower Venturi flume Venturi meter Venturi tube vent wire venus hairstone Venus's hairstone verde antique verdelite verde salt Verdet's constant verdite verdolite verifier vermeil vermeille vermicular quartz vermiculite vermilion vermillion vernadskite Verneuil process vernier closure meter vernier compass vernier-reading manometer verrankohle vertical vertical aerial photograph vertical angle vertical auger drill vertical balance vertical chain conveyor vertical circle vertical collimator vertical component vertical crater retreat vertical crater retreat mining vertical curve vertical cut vertical dip slip vertical drains vertical exaggeration vertical excavation limited area vertical fold vertical gradient vertical gradiometer vertical guide idler vertical intensity vertical line vertical load-bearing test vertical mill vertical photograph vertical pump vertical reciprocating conveyor vertical sand drain vertical screw conveyor vertical seismograph vertical separation vertical shaft vertical shear vertical shift vertical slip vertical takeup vertical theory vertical trace vesicular vesuvian vesuvianite vesuvian jade veszelyite Vezin's sampler V-flume vibracone vibrate vibrating conveyor vibrating coring tube vibrating grate vibrating grease table vibrating grizzlies vibrating platform vibrating screen vibrating screens (heated) vibrating wire strain gage vibration vibration drilling vibration gravimeter vibration meter vibration method of roof testing vibration of foundations vibration test vibrator vibratory screen Vibrex grease table Vibroflotation vibrograph vicinal face vicinal form Vickers' diamond hardness tester Vickers hardness test victualic coupling victualic joint Vielle-Montagne furnace Vienna turquoise vierendeel girder viese vignite vigorite Vigorite No. 5 villamaninite Villela's reagent villiaumite vinney vinogradovite vinyl acetal resins violaite violan violite virgate virgation virgin virgin clay virgin coal virgin metal viridine viridite virtual value viscometer viscosimeter viscosity viscosity coefficient viscountess viscous viscous damping viscous flow viscous resistance Visean viseite visibility meters visible light visible spectrum Vissac jig visual indicator Vitasul vitiated air vitrain vitreous vitreous copper vitreous copper ore vitreous fusion vitreous silica vitreous silver vitric vitrics vitric tuff vitrifacture vitrifiable vitrification vitrification spalling vitrified vitrified brick vitriform vitrify vitrifying vitrinertite vitrinite vitrinization vitrinoid vitriol vitriol ocher vitrite vitro- vitroclarain vitroclastic vitrodurain vitrofusain vitrophyre vitrophyric vivianite vlasovite V-method of roasting vogesite vogle voglianite voglite void void ratio voids ratio vol volatile volatile combustibles volatile fluxes volatile matter volatile ratio volatiles volborthite volcanic volcanic ash volcanic breccia volcanic clay volcanic conglomerate volcanic dust volcanic earthquake volcanic focus volcanic glass volcanicity volcanic ore deposits volcanic plain volcanic rift zone volcanic rock volcanics volcanic water volcanism volcanite volcano volchonskoite vole voler reductol volgerite volkonskoite volley volt voltage voltaite Volta's list voltmeter voltzite volume defect volume susceptibility volumetric volumetric analysis volumetric efficiency volumetric shrinkage volute volute pumps von Neumann spike vonsenite von Sterneck-Askania pendulum von Wolff's classification vooga hole Vooys process vorobievite vortex finder vraibite vug vugg vuggy vuggy lode vuggy porosity vugh-arching vug hole vugular vulcan coal powder vulcanism vulcanite vulcanites vulcanized rubber vulcanizing machine vulcan powder vulpinite V-vat vysotskite W.8 methanometer wabanite wacke wacken wad wad coil wadding Waddle fan wadeite wad hook wadi Waelz process wafer waggon wagnerite wagon wagon arrester wagon booster-retarder wagon breast wagon drill wagon pinch bar wagon rerailer wagon retarder wagon rooms wagon spotter wagon tippler wairakite wairauite waiver Wakefield sheet pile walaite walchowite waling walk Walker balance walker's earth walking walking bar walking beam walking crane walking dragline walking miner walking props walking support walkout wall wall accretions Wallace agitator wall boss wall cake wall cavitation wall clearance wall closure wall-controlled shoots wall drag waller wall face wall friction walling walling curb walling scaffold walling stage walling up wall off wall packing wallplate wallplate anchor wall rock wall-rock halo wall-rock pattern walls wall saltpeter wallscraper bit Wallsend walls of a vein walpurgite waltherite Walton filter wander wane want Ward drill warden wardite Ward-Leonard control waringtonite wark warning lines warp warped fault warping warrant warrant clay warren earth Warren girder warrenite Warrington Warrington rope warwickite Warwick safety device Warwickshire method wash washability washability curve wash boring wash-boring drill wash bottle washbox washbox air cycle washbox cells washbox center sill washbox center weir washbox compartments washbox discharge sill washbox feed sill washbox screen plate washbox slide valve wash dirt washed coal washed out washery washery effluent washery products washery pump washery refuse washery water wash gold wash gravel washhouse washing washing apparatus washing drum washing hutch washing machine washing plant washing screen washing screws washing stuff washing trommel wash metal Washoe canary Washoe process wash ore washout washout valve washover washover shoe wash pan wash pipe wash place wash plain washpot wash rod wash sale wash stuff wash table wash trommel wash tube wash water wasite waste waste blasting waste drainage waste dump waste edge support waste-filled stopes waste filling waste-heat boiler wasteman waster waste raise waste rock wastes waste water wasteway wasting asset wastrel watchmen water water ampule water-ampul stemming water-avid surface water bailer water balance water barrel water barrier water-base mud water blast water blasting water block water boss waterbound water box water break water cage water cartridge water chamber water chrysolite water color water content water core water coupling watercourse water creep water curb water cushion water-cutoff core barrel water cycle water dam watered waterfinder water flush water gage water garland water gel water gin water glass waterglass water grade water groove water hauler water hoist water-holding capacity water inch water infusion water infusion gun water infusion method water infusion pump water inrush water jacket water-jet drilling water kibble water level water leyner waterlime water load water lodge waterlogged water loss water machine water mains waterman watermelon tourmaline water monkey water of capillarity water of compaction water of constitution water of crystallization water of hydration water opal water packer water pocket waterpower water privilege waterproofed stone dust waterproof electric blasting cap water-quenched water rate water-repellent surface water resistance water right water ring water-rolled water sapphire water seal water separation water shutoff water slot water smoke water softening water-soluble oils water stemming bags waterstone water string water swivel water table water-table contour water-table level water-table map water-table stream watertight water-to-cement ratio water tower water transport water turbine water tuyere water vein water wash waterway water wheel water witch water witching waterworn stone water yardage watt wattevillite watt-hour wattless current wattmeter watt-second Waugh drill wave diffraction wave front wave-front chart wave interference wavelength wavellite wave meter wave period wave propagation wave refraction wave spectrum wave velocity wavy extinction wavy vein wax wax opal wax stone wax wall wax walling way wayboard waygate waylandite way shaft weak ground wearing strip wear plate wear rib weather weather door weathered layer weathered rock weathering weathering correction weathering index weathering map weathering of coal weathering of roadways weathering shot web weber weberite Weber process weddellite wedge wedge-and-sleeve bolt wedge bit wedge capping wedge clinometer wedge core lifter wedge cut wedge guide wedge off wedge-out wedge out wedge pilot wedge reaming bit wedge roaster wedge rock wedge rose bit wedge-set wedge shot wedge socket fitting wedge theory wedge-wire deck wedge-wire screen wedging wedging and blocking wedging bit wedging crib wedging curb wedging down wedging reamer wedging shot weeksite weeks manometer weeper weeping rock Weg rescue apparatus wegscheiderite wehrlite weibullite Weichbraunkohlen-dopplerit weigh batcher weigher-and-crusher man weighing feeder weighing-in-motion system weigh larry weight weight batching weight break weight dropping weighted average weighted average depth weighted flowsheet weight indicator weighting weightometer weight pit weight strength Weinig flotation cell weir weir head weir table Weisbach triangle weissite weiss quadrilateral welded dike welded tuff weldment Weldon mud Weldon process well well-conditioned triangle well core well cuttings well-drill hole wellglass fitting wellhole wellhole blast wellhole blasting Wellington formula well log well logging well point well-point pump well seismometer well shooting well-sorted well tube well-tube filter well-tube point well-velocity survey Welshman Welsh notch wem wenkite Wentworth grade scale Wentworth scale Wenzel's law wernerian wernerite Wesco coal powder weslienite Westfalia pillar plow Westfalia plow Westfalia tandem plow westfalite Weston photronic cell Westphal balance West's solution weta material wet analysis wet- and dry-bulb thermometer wet-and-dry screening wet assay wet blasting wet-bulb temperature wet-bulb thermometer wet cleaning wet clutch wet criticality wet cutting wet cyclone wet drilling wet gold-silver ore wet grinding Wetherill's furnace Wetherill's magnetic separator Wetherill vacuum casting process Wethey furnace wet metallurgy wet method wet milling wet-milling plant wet-mill man wet mining wet mixer wet-pan charger wet-pan feeder wet-pan operator wet-plant operator wet process wet puddling wet rot wet screening wet separation wet sieve analysis wet sphere device wettability wettable sulfur wetted perimeter wetterdynamite wetting wetting agent wetting coal dust wetting effect wet unit weight whaler whale-type jib wheal Wheatstone-bridge-type instrument wheelbase wheel brae wheel conveyor wheel ditcher wheel dresser wheeled tractor wheeler wheelerite wheel excavator wheelman wheel ore wheel pit wheelrace wheel runner wheel scraper wherk wherryite whetstone Whetwell stove whewellite which-earth whim whim driver whim gin whim shaft whin whin float whinny whinstone whintin whip whip-and-derry whip gin whip out whipper whipping whipping hoist whipstock whipstocking whipstock point whirling hygrometer whirlstone whistler white white agate white alkali white antimony white arsenic white Bengal fire white cast iron white clay white coal white cobalt white copper white copperas white copper ore white-countered gutta percha white damp white feldspar white flat white garnet white gold white gunpowder white heat white horse white-hot White-Howell furnace white iron white iron ore white iron pyrites white latten white lead white lead ore White Lias white limestone white metal white-metal cappel white-metal capping white mica white mineral press white mundic white nickel white nickel ore white olivine white opal white ore white powder white pyrite white salt white sand white schorl white smoker white tellurium white tin white tombac white vitriol whiting substitute Whiting system whitlockite Whitney stress diagram Whitwell stove whizzer mill whole body counter whole-circle bearing whole diamond whole stone whole-stone bit wich wichert wick wicket wicket conveyor wicking wide-mouthed socket wide opening widiyan widowmaker width of lode Wiedgerite wiggle stick wiggle tail wightmanite Wilcoxian wildcat wildcat drilling wildcatter wilderness wild heat wild lead wild steel wild work Wiles' process Wilfley slimer Wilfley table Wilkinite willemite willen stone Williams' hinged-hammer crusher williamsite Wilmot jig Wilputte oven wilsonite Wilton stopper wiluite win winch winchellite winchman winch operator wind wind beam wind blast wind box winder winder brake wind furnace wind gage wind hatch winding winding apparatus winding cycle winding drum winding engine winding engineman winding guide winding pulley winding rope winding sheave winding speed windlass wind method windmill anemometer window window pipe window-type sample wind pressure wind road wind rose windrow winds windup windy shot wing wing belt tripper wing dam winged pillar wingwall winklestone winning winning heading winnowing gold winter dumps winze wire wirebar wire cloth wired glass wire drag wire gage wire gauze wire hanger wire line wire-line barrel wire-line cable wire-line core barrel wire-line coring wire-line dredging wire-line drilling wire-line drill rod wireline drill-rod coupling wire-line drum wire-line hoist wire-line log wire-line socket wireman wireman helper wire-mesh conveyor belt wire-mesh reinforcement wire pack wire rod wire rope wire-roper anchor wire-rope side-framed intermediate section wire-rope support wire ropeway wire saw wire-saw operator wire sawyer wire setter wire silver wire strand wire-strand core wiry witching stick withamite withdraw withdrawal witherite witness corner witness mark witness post wittichenite wittite Witton-Kramer magnet Witwatersrand wobble wheel roller wodginite woehlerite Woehler test wold Wolf wolfachite wolf cut point wolfeite Wolf nickel-cadmium battery Wolf process wolfram wolframine wolframite wolfram lamp wolfram ocher wolfsbergite wollastonite wollongite wollongongite woelsendorfite Wommer safety clamp wonder metal wood agate Woodbury jig Woodbury table wood chain Wooddell scale wooden tubbing wood hematite woodhouseite wood iron wood iron ore wood opal wood piling Wood process woodrock woodruffite woodstave piping wood stilt woodstone wood tin woodwardite Worden gravimeter work workable workable bed workable tonnage work arm work capacity worked out worker cage worker car worker door worker-hoist engineer worker trip work index working working a claim working capital working cycle working face working gullet working-hole working home working interest working level (WL) working load working on air working-on-the-walls working out working pit working place working room workings working section working stress working the broken working the whole work lead workplace protection factor work platform work shaft work stone work study worm worm auger worm conveyor worm wheel wough wound rotor motor woven-wire vibrating screen WP-cut wracking force wrap-drive conveyor wrap-up wreath wrecking bar wrench fault wrist action wrought alloy wrought iron wrought metal Wuensch process wulfenite wurtzilite wurtzite wurtzite-8H; wurtzite-10H wuestite wyartite wych wye Wyoming bentonite xalostocite xanthate xanthiosite xanthitane xanthochroite xanthoconite xanthophyllite xanthorthite xanthoxenite xanthus x-axis x-coordinate x-direction xeno- xenoblast xenoblastic xenocryst xenogenous xenolite xenolith xenomorphic xenomorphic-granular xenon xenothermal xenotime X-frame brace xonotlite X-ray diffraction xylain xylanthite xylenite xylinite xylocryptite xyloidin xylopal xyloretinite YAG yard yardage yardage man yard price yard work yavapaiite y-axis y-coordinate y-direction yeast yeatmanite yellow antimony yellow arsenic yellow boy yellow cake yellow coal yellow copper yellow copperas yellow copper ore yellow dog yellow earth yellow gravel yellow ground yellow heat yellow lead ore yellow ocher yellow ore yellow ozokerine yellow pyrite yellow ratsbane yellow sands yellow tellurium yenite yield yielding arch yielding floor yielding prop yielding support yield loss yield-pillar system yield point yield strength yield stress YIG yoderite Yogo sapphire yoke yolk Yorkian yoshimuraite yowah nut ytterbite ytterbium yttergranat yttrialite yttrium yttrium-aluminum garnet yttrium garnet yttrium-iron garnet yttrocrasite yttrogarnet yttromicrolite yttro-orthite yttrotantalite yttrotungstite yugawaralite yukonite zaffer zanthochroite zaratite zarnec zarnich zavaritskite z-axis z-coordinate z-direction zeasite zebra dolomite zebra rock Zeiss konimeter Zellweger furnace Zemorrian zeolite zeolite mimetics zeolite process zeolitic deposit zeolitization zeophyllite zero air voids curve zero air voids unit weight zero-length spring zero-point energy zero potential zero time zero-zero gel zeta potential zeta-potential layer zeunerite zeylanite zhemchuzhnikovite Ziervogel process zietrisikite zigzag car loader zigzag fold zigzag rule zigzag transformer ziment water Zimmermann's rule zinc zincaluminite zinc blende zinc bloom zinc box zinc carbonate zinc chloride zinc chromate zinc chrome zinc dust zinc gray zinc hydrosulfite zincite zinckenite zinckiferous zinc-magnesia chalcanthite zinc melanterite zinc-melanterite zinc minerals zinc oxide zincrosasite zinc scum zincsilite zinc spar zinc spinel zinc sulfate zinc sulfate heptahydrate zinc sulfide zinc sulfide monhydrate zinc vitriol zinc white zinc yellow zinkazurite zinkenite zinkite zinkosite