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A user has added this entry to requests for deletion(+).
Please see that page for discussion and justifications beyond the initial comment of: “SoP: 嚇+殺+人. The verb sense ("to make people afraid") is definitely not fossilized SoP - it would be a Verb-Object phrase in any case (analogous to Mandarin 嚇死人). The current Adjective sense ("... to a very high extent", which, shouldn't it really be adverbial?) is arguably idiomatic to some extent, but there are expanded variants such as 嚇殺個人 which can in most cases be employed in the same way in e.g. Shanghainese. Should only the verb sense of this be deleted or should both senses be altogether removed?”. You may continue to edit this entry while the discussion proceeds, but please mention significant edits at the RFD discussion and ensure that the intention of votes already cast is not left unclear. Do not remove the {{rfd}} until the debate has finished.
to scare someone to death man; person; people
trad. (嚇殺人) 嚇殺
simp. (吓杀人) 吓杀
alternative forms 嚇煞人吓煞人






  1. (Wu) to make people afraid; to frighten




  1. (Wu) to a very high degree; extremely
    嚇殺人 [Shanghainese, trad.]
    吓杀人 [Shanghainese, simp.]
    extremely tall



Derived terms
