From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
For pronunciation and definitions of へた – see the following entries.
- [adjective] unskilled, bad at, poor at, weak at, incompetent
- [adjective] superficial, halfhearted, half-assed, careless
- [adjective] smaller or lesser in degree
- [noun] a mistake, a poor result, a screwup
- [verb] to make a mistake, to screw up
- [noun] (obsolete) the area near something or along the edge of something
- [suffix] the area near something or along the edge of something
(This term, へた (heta), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.) For a list of all kanji read as へた, see Category:Japanese kanji read as へた.)
(The following entry does not have a page created for it yet: 経た.)