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For pronunciation and definitions of ふとい – see the following entries.
- [adjective] large (of size):
- [adjective] [from 909] big (of linear objects)
- [adjective] [from late 1000s] fat
- [adjective] [from 1889] deep sounding (of a voice or a breath)
- [adjective] [from 1868] rich
- [adjective] [from 1573] huge
- [adjective] [unknown] (archery) wide distance of a bow
- [adjective] [from 1850] rough (of the eyes)
- [adjective] rich (of spirit):
- [adjective] [from 759] bold, brave, undisturbed, stable
- [adjective] [from 1638] shameless
- [adjective] [from c. 1211] majestic
Alternative spellings麁, 巨, 大, 踈, 酬, 硬, 麤, 麆, 矜, 矝, 洪
(This term, ふとい (futoi), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)