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Ancient Greek




From ἀπο- (apo-, back again) +‎ καθίστημι (kathístēmi, to set, place, constitute, appoint).





ἀποκαθίστημι (apokathístēmi)

  1. to restore, reestablish, reinstate, return to a prior condition
    • 430 BCE – 354 BCE, Xenophon, Constitution of the Lacedaimonians 6.3:
      ὁ γὰρ ἀσθενήσας ἢ δεηθεὶς ὀχήματος ἢ ταχύ ποι βουληθεὶς ἀφικέσθαι, ἤν που ἴδῃ ἵππον ὄντα, λαβὼν καὶ χρησάμενος καλῶς ἀποκαθίστησιν.
      ho gàr asthenḗsas ḕ deētheìs okhḗmatos ḕ takhú poi boulētheìs aphikésthai, ḗn pou ídēi híppon ónta, labṑn kaì khrēsámenos kalôs apokathístēsin.
    • 200 BCE – 118 BCE, Polybius, Histories 3.98.7:
      νῦν οὖν ἠγγικότων Ῥωμαίων καὶ προσκαθεζομένων τῇ Ζακάνθῃ, καὶ κινδυνευούσης τῆς πόλεως, ἐὰν ἐξαγαγὼν τοὺς ὁμήρους ἀποκαταστήσῃ τοῖς γονεῦσι καὶ ταῖς πόλεσιν, ἐκλύσειν μὲν αὐτὸν τῶν Ῥωμαίων τὴν φιλοτιμίαν: τοῦτο γὰρ αὐτὸ καὶ μάλιστα σπουδάζειν ἐκείνους πρᾶξαι, κυριεύοντας τῶν ὁμήρων
      nûn oûn ēngikótōn Rhōmaíōn kaì proskathezoménōn têi Zakánthēi, kaì kinduneuoúsēs tês póleōs, eàn exagagṑn toùs homḗrous apokatastḗsēi toîs goneûsi kaì taîs pólesin, eklúsein mèn autòn tôn Rhōmaíōn tḕn philotimían: toûto gàr autò kaì málista spoudázein ekeínous prâxai, kurieúontas tôn homḗrōn
    1. (medicine) to restore to health, cure
    2. (military, of troop units) to restore formation
  2. to hand over, deliver, pay dues
  3. (astrology, of planets) to complete a revolution
  4. (of islands) to be disconnected from the mainland



Derived terms


