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From Proto-Indo-European *h₂éǵ-mn̥ ~ *h₂ǵ-mén-s (army, band, troop; marching of an army), from the root *h₂eǵ- (to drive). Cognate with Latin agmen (army, band, flock; procession of an army).





अज्मन् (ájman) stemn

  1. an army
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 10.103.6:
      गो॒त्र॒भिदं॑ गो॒विदं॒ वज्र॑बाहुं॒ जय॑न्त॒म् अज्म॑ प्रमृ॒णन्त॒म् ओज॑सा ।
      इ॒मं स॑जाता॒ अनु॑ वीरयध्व॒म् इन्द्रं॑ सखायो॒ अनु॒ सं र॑भध्वं ॥
      gotrabhídaṃ govídaṃ vájrabāhuṃ jáyantam ájma pramṛṇántam ójasā.
      imáṃ sajātā ánu vīrayadhvam índraṃ sakhāyo ánu sáṃ rabhadhvaṃ.
      The destroyer of stalls where cows are held captive, the one who finds the cows, armed with thunder, who quells an army and with might destroys it.-
      Follow him, brothers! Act like heroes, and like this Indra, show your zeal and courage.
  2. a flock, band, multitude, host, crowd, swarm
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 8.46.18:
      ये पा॒तय॑न्ते॒ अज्म॑भिर् गिरी॒णां स्नुभि॑र् एषाम् ।
      य॒ज्ञं म॑हि॒ष्वणी॑नां सु॒म्नं तु॑वि॒ष्वणी॑नां॒ प्राध्व॒रे ॥
      yé pātáyante ájmabhir girīṇā́ṃ snúbhir eṣām.
      yajñáṃ mahiṣváṇīnāṃ sumnáṃ tuviṣváṇīnāṃ prā́dhvaré.
      [The Maruts] who fly in flocks over the ridges of the mountains, whose voice is lifted high, who roar violently, their favour [I would like to achieve] at the ritual-worship.
  3. the march or procession of an army
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 6.31.2:
      त्वद् भि॒येन्द्र॒ पार्थि॑वानि॒ विश्वाच्यु॑ता चिच् च्यावयन्ते॒ रजां॑सि ।
      द्यावा॒क्षामा॒ पर्व॑तासो॒ वना॑नि॒ विश्वं॑ दृ॒ळ्हं भ॑यते॒ अज्म॒न्न् आ ते॑ ॥
      tvád bhiyéndra pā́rthivāni víśvā́cyutā cic cyāvayante rájāṃsi.
      dyā́vākṣā́mā párvatāso vánāni víśvaṃ dṛḷháṃ bhayate ájmann ā́ te.
      Through fear of thee, O Indra, all the regions of earth, though naught may move them, shake and tremble.
      All that is firm is frightened at the coming of thy troops, -the earth, the heaven, the mountain, and the forest.


Neuter an-stem declension of अज्मन्
singular dual plural
nominative अज्म (ájma) अज्मनी (ájmanī) अज्मानि (ájmāni)
अज्म¹ (ájma¹)
अज्मा¹ (ájmā¹)
vocative अज्मन् (ájman)
अज्म (ájma)
अज्मनी (ájmanī) अज्मानि (ájmāni)
अज्म¹ (ájma¹)
अज्मा¹ (ájmā¹)
accusative अज्म (ájma) अज्मनी (ájmanī) अज्मानि (ájmāni)
अज्म¹ (ájma¹)
अज्मा¹ (ájmā¹)
instrumental अज्मना (ájmanā) अज्मभ्याम् (ájmabhyām) अज्मभिः (ájmabhiḥ)
dative अज्मने (ájmane) अज्मभ्याम् (ájmabhyām) अज्मभ्यः (ájmabhyaḥ)
ablative अज्मनः (ájmanaḥ) अज्मभ्याम् (ájmabhyām) अज्मभ्यः (ájmabhyaḥ)
genitive अज्मनः (ájmanaḥ) अज्मनोः (ájmanoḥ) अज्मनाम् (ájmanām)
locative अज्मनि (ájmani)
अज्मन्¹ (ájman¹)
अज्मनोः (ájmanoḥ) अज्मसु (ájmasu)
  • ¹Vedic