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Alternative forms




From проці (próci, against). Compare Russian противо- (protivo-), Ukrainian проти- (proty-), Polish przeciw-, Czech proti-.





проці- (próci-)

  1. anti- (designed to fight against something)
    проці- (próci-) + ‎маляры́йны (maljarýjny, malarial; (relational) malaria) → ‎процімаляры́йны (procimaljarýjny, anti-malarial)
    проці- (próci-) + ‎та́нкавы (tánkavy, (relational) tank) → ‎проціта́нкавы (procitánkavy, antitank)
  2. anti- (hostile to someone or something)
    проці- (próci-) + ‎наро́дны (naródny, national; (relational) people) → ‎процінаро́дны (procinaródny, antinational, antipopular)
    проці- (próci-) + ‎ура́давы (urádavy, government) → ‎проціўра́давы (prociŭrádavy, anti-government)
  3. anti- (opposed to, goes against the principles of someone or something)
    проці- (próci-) + ‎зако́нны (zakónny, law (relational)) → ‎процізако́нны (procizakónny, anti-law; illegal)
  4. counter-
    проці- (próci-) + ‎ціск (cisk, pressure) → ‎проціці́ск (procicísk, counter-pressure)

Usage notes

  • In compound words, the prefix is not stressed, but the pronunciation of [o] is retained.
  • Words such as праціўнік (praciŭnik, opponent, enemy) are not considered as prefixed by this; they are almost always inherited from Proto-Slavic.
  • проціў- (próciŭ-) on the other hand is constructed using проці- (próci-) before a word that starts with у- (u-), like проціўра́давы (prociŭrádavy) above.
  • There are yet some words that begin with проціва- (próciva-), such as процівага́з (procivaház); they are likely simply borrowings from Russian (compare противо- (protivo-), противога́з (protivogáz)), possibly with blending or contamination from проці- (próci-), as *проціва- (*próciva-) is not a productive suffix in Belarusian.


  • анты- (anty-) (used especially with borrowed words)

Derived terms


