Eastern Mari
[edit]From Proto-Mari [Term?], possibly from Proto-Uralic *ačka. Cognate with Western Mari oшы (ošy).
[edit]- J. Bradley et al. (2023) “ош”, in The Mari Web Project: Mari-English Dictionary, University of Vienna
[edit]From Proto-Mordvinic *oš, from Proto-Uralic *woča (“fence; fishweir”). Cognate with Finnish otava, Northern Sami oahci, Lule Sami oahtse, among others.
[edit]ош • (oš)
- town
- 1865, Ferdinand Johann Wiedemann, Das Evangelium des Matthäus ersamordwinisch, page 9:
- Seste sajize sońze šaitan sv’ätoi ošs i sťavtyze tserkvań veľťamo langso.
- Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple.
[edit]case | singular | plural |
nominative (...) |
ош (oš) | ошт (ošt) |
genitive (of ...) |
ошонь (ošoń) | — |
dative (to ...) |
ошнэнь (ošnëń) | — |
ablative (than ...) |
ошдо (ošdo) | — |
inessive (in ...) |
ошсо (ošso) | — |
elative (out of ...) |
ошсто (ošsto) | — |
illative (into ...) |
ошс (ošs) | — |
prolative (through ...) |
ошга (ošga) | — |
translative (becoming ...) |
ошкс (ošks) | — |
comparative (like ...) |
ошшка (ošška) | — |
abessive (without ...) |
оштомо (oštomo) | — |
Derived terms
[edit]- ош (oš) in Álgu-tietokanta, Kotimaisten kielten keskus
- Entry #1155 in Uralonet, online Uralic etymological database of the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics.
[edit]From Proto-Permic *ɔš. Cognates include Komi-Zyrian ош (oš) and Komi-Permyak ош (oš).
[edit]ош (oš)
Derived terms
[edit]- ошөвөй (ošåvåj)
[edit]- A. S. Lobanova, K. S. Kichigina (2012) Русско-Коми-язьвинский словарь [Russian-Komi-Yazva dictionary] (overall work in Russian), Perm: ПГГПУ, →ISBN, page 143
- V. I. Lytkin (1961) Коми-язьвинский диалект [The Komi-Yazva dialect] (overall work in Russian), Moscow: Издательство Академии наук СССР, page 157
[edit]From Proto-Permic *ɔš. Cognates include Komi-Permyak ош (oš) and Komi-Yazva ош (oš).
[edit]ош • (oš)
[edit]Declension of ош (stem: ошк-) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | ош (oš) | ошъяс (ošjas) | |
accusative | I* | ош (oš) | ошъяс (ošjas) |
II* | ошкӧс (oškös) | ошъясӧс (ošjasös) | |
instrumental | ошкӧн (oškön) | ошъясӧн (ošjasön) | |
comitative | ошкӧд (ošköd) | ошъяскӧд (ošjasköd) | |
caritive | оштӧг (oštög) | ошъястӧг (ošjastög) | |
consecutive | ошла (ošla) | ошъясла (ošjasla) | |
genitive | ошлӧн (ošlön) | ошъяслӧн (ošjaslön) | |
ablative | ошлысь (ošlyś) | ошъяслысь (ošjaslyś) | |
dative | ошлы (ošly) | ошъяслы (ošjasly) | |
inessive | ошкын (oškyn) | ошъясын (ošjasyn) | |
elative | ошкысь (oškyś) | ошъясысь (ošjasyś) | |
illative | ошкӧ (oškö) | ошъясӧ (ošjasö) | |
egressive | ошсянь (ošśań) | ошъяссянь (ošjasśań) | |
approximative | ошлань (ošlań) | ошъяслань (ošjaslań) | |
terminative | ошкӧдз (ošködź) | ошъясӧдз (ošjasödź) | |
prolative | I | ошкӧд (ošköd) | ошъясӧд (ošjasöd) |
II | ошті (ošti) | ошъясті (ošjasti) | |
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I. |
Possessive declension of ош | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Derived terms
[edit]- Bubrikh, Dmitry V. (1949) Грамматика литературного коми языка [Grammar of the literary Komi language] (in Russian), Leningrad: Zhdanov Leningrad State University, page 32
- Anu-Reet Hauzenberg (1972) Названия животных в коми языке [Names of animals in the Komi language], Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences, page 24
- L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva (2000) Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], →ISBN, page 458
[edit]From Proto-Uralic *woča. Cognate with Erzya ош (oš).
[edit]ош • (oš)
- city, town
- Oahpa, University of Tromsø
- ошста ошс ― ošsta ošs ― from city to city
- ошса ― ošsa ― in city
- ошень ― ošeń ― of city; such that is characteristic of city
- Oahpa, University of Tromsø
Usage notes
[edit]Cygankin gives the prolative form ошка (oška) but Golenkov — ошева (oševa).
[edit]singular | plural | |
nominative | ош (oš) | ошт (ošt) |
genitive | ошень (ošeń) | — |
dative | ошенди (ošendi) | — |
ablative | ошта (ošta) | — |
inessive | ошса (ošsa) | — |
elative | ошста (ošsta) | — |
illative | ошс (ošs) | — |
prolative | ошева (oševa) | — |
comparative | ошшка (ošška) | — |
translative | ошекс (ošeks) | — |
abessive | ошфтома (ošftoma) | — |
causative | ошенкса (ošenksa) | — |
singular | plural | |
nominative | ошсь (ošś) | ошне (ošne) |
genitive | ошть (ošť) | ошнень (ošneń) |
dative | ошти (ošti) | ошненди (ošnendi) |
first person singular (монь (moń)) | ||
one possession | multiple possessions | |
nominative | ошезе (ošeze) | ошне (ošne) |
genitive | ошезень (ošezeń) | ошнень (ošneń) |
dative | ошезти (ošezti) | ошненди (ošnendi) |
ablative | оштон (ošton) | |
inessive | ошсон (ošson) | |
elative | ошстон (ošston) | |
illative | ошезон (ošezon) | |
prolative | ошеван (oševan) | |
comparative | ошшкан (ošškan) | |
abessive | ошфтомон (ošftomon) | |
second person singular (тонь (toń)) | ||
one possession | multiple possessions | |
nominative | ошце (ošce) | ошне (ošne) |
genitive | ошцень (ošceń) | ошнень (ošneń) |
dative | ошценди (ošcendi) | ошненди (ošnendi) |
ablative | оштот (oštot) | |
inessive | ошсот (ošsot) | |
elative | ошстот (ošstot) | |
illative | ошезт (ošezt) | |
prolative | ошеват (oševat) | |
comparative | ошшкат (ošškat) | |
abessive | ошфтомот (ošftomot) | |
third person singular (сонь (soń)) | ||
one possession | multiple possessions | |
nominative | ошец (ošec) | ошенза (ošenza) |
genitive | ошенц (ošenc) | ошензон (ošenzon) |
dative | ошенцты (ošenctï) | ошензонды (ošenzondï) |
ablative | оштонза (oštonza) | |
inessive | ошсонза (ošsonza) | |
elative | ошстонза (ošstonza) | |
illative | ошезонза (ošezonza) | |
prolative | ошеванза (oševanza) | |
comparative | ошшканза (ošškanza) | |
abessive | ошфтомонза (ošftomonza) | |
first person plural (минь (miń)) | ||
one or multiple possessions | ||
nominative | ошеньке (ošeńke) | |
genitive | ошеньконь (ošeńkoń) | |
dative | ошеньконди (ošeńkondi) | |
ablative | оштонк (oštonk) | |
inessive | ошсонк (ošsonk) | |
elative | ошстонк (ošstonk) | |
illative | ошезонк (ošezonk) | |
prolative | ошеванк (oševank) | |
comparative | ошшканк (ošškank) | |
abessive | ошфтомонк (ošftomonk) | |
second person plural (тинь (tiń)) | ||
one or multiple possessions | ||
nominative | ошенте (ošente) | |
genitive | ошентень (ošenteń) | |
dative | ошентенди (ošentendi) | |
ablative | оштонт (oštont) | |
inessive | ошсонт (ošsont) | |
elative | ошстонт (ošstont) | |
illative | ошезонт (ošezont) | |
prolative | ошевант (oševant) | |
comparative | ошшкант (ošškant) | |
abessive | ошфтомонт (ošftomont) | |
third person plural (синь (siń)) | ||
one or multiple possessions | ||
nominative | ошсна (ošsna) | |
genitive | ошснон (ošsnon) | |
dative | ошснонды (ošsnondï) | |
ablative | оштост (oštost) | |
inessive | ошсост (ošsost) | |
elative | ошстост (ošstost) | |
illative | ошезост (ošezost) | |
prolative | ошеваст (oševast) | |
comparative | ошшкаст (ošškast) | |
abessive | ошфтомост (ošftomost) |
[edit]- Indefinite paradigm in Cygankin, D. V. (1980) Grammatika mordovskix jazykov. Fonetika, grafika, orfografija, morfologija [Mordvinic grammar] (in Russian), Saransk, page 153
- Indefinite and definite paradigms in Nikolaj Golenkov (2009) Govorim po-mokšanski — Korxtatama mokšeks: razgovornik [Let's speak Moksha: phrasebook], Saransk: Izdatelʹskij dom «Kniga», →ISBN, page 70
Northern Altai
[edit]From Proto-Turkic *ạbuč. Cognate to Khakas оос (oos), Shor ош (oš), оош (ooš), Tofa оъш (oʺš), etc.
[edit]ош • (oš)
[edit]- N. A Baskakov, editor (1972), “ош”, in Severnyje dialekty Altajskovo (Ojrotskovo Jazyka- Dialekt kumandincev(Kumandin Kiži) [Northern Dialect of Altai -Kumandin Dialect(Kumandin kiži)], Moskva: glavnaja redakcija vostočnoja literatury, →ISBN, page 237
[edit]Inherited from Classical Persian آش (āš), see there for more.
[edit]ош • (oš) (Persian spelling آش)
Derived terms
[edit]- оши палов (oš-i palov)
[edit]From Proto-Permic *ɔ̇š, from Proto-Uralic *uškɜ, borrowed from an Indo-European language, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *uksḗn (compare Sanskrit उक्षन् (ukṣan) and English ox). Cognates include Eastern Mari ӱшкыж (üškyž).
Permic cognates include Komi-Zyrian ӧш (öš) and Komi-Permyak ӧшка (öška).
[edit]ош • (oš)
[edit]singular | plural | |
nominative | ош oš |
ошъёс ošjos |
accusative | ошез ošez |
ошъёсыз ošjosyz |
genitive | ошлэн ošlen |
ошъёслэн ošjoslen |
dative | ошлы ošly |
ошъёслы ošjosly |
ablative | ошлэсь ošleś |
ошъёслэсь ošjosleś |
instrumental | ошен ošen |
ошъёсын ošjosyn |
abessive | оштэк oštek |
ошъёстэк ošjostek |
adverbial | ошъя ošja |
ошъёсъя ošjosja |
inessive | ошын ošyn |
ошъёсын ošjosyn |
illative | оше oše |
ошъёсы ošjosy |
elative | ошысь ošyś |
ошъёсысь ošjosyś |
egressive | ошысьен ošyśjen |
ошъёсысьен ošjosyśjen |
terminative | ошозь ošoź |
ошъёсозь ošjosoź |
prolative | ошетӥ ošeti |
ошъёсытӥ ošjosyti |
allative | ошлань ošlań |
ошъёслань ošjoslań |
singular | plural | |
nominative | ошмы ošmy |
ошъёсмы ošjosmy |
accusative | ошмэс ošmes |
ошъёсмес ošjosmes |
genitive | ошмылэн ošmylen |
ошъёсмылэн ošjosmylen |
dative | ошмылы ošmyly |
ошъёсмылы ošjosmyly |
ablative | ошмылэсь ošmyleś |
ошъёсмылэсь ošjosmyleś |
instrumental | ошенымы ošenymy |
ошъёсынымы ošjosynymy |
singular | plural | |
nominative | ошты ošty |
ошъёсты ošjosty |
accusative | оштэс oštes |
ошъёстэс ošjostes |
genitive | оштылэн oštylen |
ошъёстылэн ošjostylen |
dative | оштылы oštyly |
ошъёстылы ošjostyly |
ablative | оштылэсь oštyleś |
ошъёстылэсь ošjostyleś |
instrumental | ошеныды ošenydy |
ошъёсыныды ošjosynydy |
singular | plural | |
nominative | ошсы ošsy |
ошъёссы ošjossy |
accusative | ошсэс ošses |
ошъёссэс ošjosses |
genitive | ошсылэн ošsylen |
ошъёссылэн ošjossylen |
dative | ошсылы ošsyly |
ошъёссылы ošjossyly |
ablative | ошсылэсь ošsyleś |
ошъёссылэсь ošjossyleś |
instrumental | ошенызы ošenyzy |
ошъёсынызы ošjosynyzy |
Derived terms
[edit]- L. E. Kirillova, L. L. Karpova, editors (2008), “ош”, in Удмурт-ӟуч кыллюкам [Udmurt-Russian dictionary], Izhevsk: Удмуртский институт истории, языка и литературы УрО РАН, →ISBN, page 500
- T. V. Voronova, T. A. Poyarkova, editor (2012), Удмурт-ӟуч, ӟуч-удмурт кыллюкам [Udmurt-Russian, Russian-Udmurt dictionary] (overall work in Russian), Izhevsk: Книжное издательство «Удмуртия», →ISBN, page 55
- Yrjö Wichmann, Toivo Emil Uotila (1987) Mikko Korhonen, editor, Wotjakischer Wortschatz [Votyak Vocabulary] (Lexica Societatis Fenno-Ugricae; Volume 21) (overall work in German), Helsinki: Suomalais-ugrilainen Seura, →ISBN, →ISSN, page 185
- Eastern Mari terms inherited from Proto-Mari
- Eastern Mari terms derived from Proto-Mari
- Eastern Mari terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Eastern Mari terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Eastern Mari terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Eastern Mari/oʃ
- Rhymes:Eastern Mari/oʃ/1 syllable
- Eastern Mari lemmas
- Eastern Mari adjectives
- Eastern Mari terms with historical senses
- mhr:Politics
- mhr:Colors
- Erzya terms inherited from Proto-Mordvinic
- Erzya terms derived from Proto-Mordvinic
- Erzya terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Erzya terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Erzya lemmas
- Erzya nouns
- Erzya terms with quotations
- Komi-Yazva terms inherited from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Yazva terms derived from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Yazva terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Komi-Yazva/oʃ
- Rhymes:Komi-Yazva/oʃ/1 syllable
- Komi-Yazva lemmas
- Komi-Yazva nouns
- Komi-Zyrian terms inherited from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Zyrian terms derived from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Zyrian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Komi-Zyrian/oʃ
- Rhymes:Komi-Zyrian/oʃ/1 syllable
- Komi-Zyrian lemmas
- Komi-Zyrian nouns
- kpv:Carnivores
- Moksha terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Moksha terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Moksha terms with IPA pronunciation
- Moksha lemmas
- Moksha nouns
- Moksha terms with usage examples
- Moksha consonant-stem nominals
- Northern Altai terms inherited from Proto-Turkic
- Northern Altai terms derived from Proto-Turkic
- Northern Altai lemmas
- Northern Altai nouns
- Tajik terms inherited from Classical Persian
- Tajik terms derived from Classical Persian
- Tajik terms with IPA pronunciation
- Tajik lemmas
- Tajik nouns
- tg:Soups
- Udmurt terms inherited from Proto-Permic
- Udmurt terms derived from Proto-Permic
- Udmurt terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Udmurt terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Udmurt terms derived from Indo-European languages
- Udmurt terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Udmurt terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Udmurt/oʃ
- Rhymes:Udmurt/oʃ/1 syllable
- Udmurt lemmas
- Udmurt nouns
- udm:Root vegetables