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y- (3rd person object prefix) + ∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -ł- (classifier, causative)-jooł (imperfective stem of root -JOOL, “non-compact matter moves”).




  1. he/she is moving it, handling it (some non-compact material)
  2. he/she is throwing it (some non-compact material)



Paradigm: Momentaneous (∅/yi), with da-shift.

imperfective singular duoplural plural
1st person yishjooł yiiljooł deiiljooł
2nd person niłjooł wołjooł daałjooł
3rd person yiłjooł deiłjooł
4th person jiłjooł dajiłjooł
perfective singular duoplural plural
1st person níłjool niiljool dashiiljool
2nd person yíníłjool noołjool dashoołjool
3rd person yiyíłjool deishjool
4th person jiníłjool dajishjool

See also


Classificatory Handling Verbs

Navajo Handle Themes to move it
Class Examples Theme
SRO generic -ʼĄ́ yiʼaah
SFO rope; pairs; unknown;
-LÁ yilé
FFO sheet, paper ł -TSOOZ yiłtsóós
SSO stick, pole -TĄ́ yitįįh
AnO animate, doll ł -TĮ́ yiłteeh
NCM wig, hay; fog ł -JOOL yiłjooł
MM butter; frog -TŁÉÉʼ yitłeeh
LPB load, burden -YĮ́ yiyeeh
PlO1 severality -NIL yinííł
PlO2 profusion -JAAʼ yijááh
OC severality/profusion
in a container
-KĄ́ yikaah

Classificatory Propelling Verbs:

Navajo Propel Themes to throw it
Class Examples Theme
SRO generic ł -NEʼ yiłneʼ
SFO rope; pairs; unknown;
ł -DÉÉL yiłdeeł
FFO sheet, paper -ʼAH yiʼáád
SSO stick, pole ł -TʼEʼ yiłtʼeʼ
AnO animate, doll
NCM wig, hay; fog ł -JOOL yiłjooł
MM butter; frog -TŁÉÉʼ yitłeeh
LPB load, burden -YĮ́ yiyeeh
PlO1 severality -NIL yinííł
PlO2 profusion ł -KAAD yiłkaad
OC severality/profusion
in a container