[edit]From viegls (“light, easy”) + -ums.
[edit]vieglums m (1st declension)
- lightness (the state or quality of that which is light, has low weight)
- no finiera gatavotie virtuves soliņi tomēr atstāj komisku iespaidu... viss it kā butu: vieglums, lētums, mazums, bet kā ar pašu sēdēšanu? ― the little plywood kitchen benches leave a comical impression... it's as if there were everything: lightness, low price, smallness, but what about actually sitting (on them)? (i.e., are they good for sitting on?)
- lightness, ease, elegance
- gaitas, dejas vieglums ― ease of pace, of dance
- acis viņai sarkanas, bet augumā un visās kustībās savāds atbrīvots vieglums ― her eyes (were) red, but in her posture and in all her movements a strange lightness was released
- dabisku kustību izkopšanas vingrinājumi piešķir ķermenim lielāku veiklību un vieglumu ― exercising by cultivating (the body's) natural movements gives to the body more agility and lightness, ease
- (of gases, fog, smoke, also colors) lightness, thinness, low density, low saturation
- vasaras miglas vieglums ― the lightness, thinness of summer fog
- talantīgs mākslinieks, kurš gaiši mirgojošos, dažreiz arī pelēkos toņos ar sudrabainu vieglumu attēlo ainavas ― a talented artist who portrays landscapes in light shining, sometimes also gray tones with a silvery lightness
- (of clothes) lightness, thinness (e.g., summer clothes)
- māksliniece, stāstot par perspektīvo modi, sevišķi uzsver jaunā veidā trikotažas plastiskumu un vieglumu ― the (female) artist, speaking about fashion as perspective, stresses the plasticity and lightness of a new kind of knitting
- ease, easiness, lightness (the quality of that which is not hard, difficult, either physically or mentally)
- darba vieglums ― the easiness, lightness of the work
- ceļojuma vieglums ― the easiness of the trip
- eksāmena vieglums ― the easiness of the exam
- stila vieglums ― the easiness of the style
- nepanesamais esības vieglums ― the unbearable lightness of being (a novel by Milan Kundera)
- ease, easiness, lightness (the quality of that which has no difficulty, hardships, complications)
- dzīves apstākļu vieglums ― ease, lightness of life conditions
- darbā aug un rūdās personības lielums, bet vieglums saēd kā rūsa ― in work personal greatness grows and becomes stronger, but easiness (= easy life conditions) eat it like rust
- viņa dzīvē aizvien meklējusi vieglākos ceļus... ja ceļš galu galā nav iznācis viegls, nav vainīga viņa, bet dabas likumi, kas allaž izspēlē šādus jokus ar viegluma tīkotājiem ― in life, she has always looked for the easy way out... if a path ultimately did not come out easy, it was not her fault; it was the laws of nature that always play such pranks on those who covert easiness (= an easy life)
- lightness, relief, pleasantness, pleasant feeling(s)
- vasaras vakara vieglums ― the lightness, pleasantness of a summer night
- izzuda sasprindzinājums, pārņēma tāds vieglums un bezbēdība ― the tension disappeared, a certain lightness and conentment overtook (him)
- viņu necēla līksmos gaisos domu eņģeliskais vieglums, jūtu zilgmotais dzidrums ― he did not rejoice (lit. was raised into rejoicing) by the angelic lightness of thought, by the azure clarity of feeling
- gaisā tāds klusums un miers, ka cilvēks, kaut arī viņš strādātu smagu darbu un būtu noguris, sajūt pēkšņi vieglumu, dvēselē rodas prieks ― in the air (there is) such calm and tranquility that one, even if one does hard work and is tired, feels suddenly lightness, joy is (suddenly) in one's soul
- lightness (low energy, low intensity)
- rokas spiediena vieglums ― the lightness of the handshake
- lightness (low perceptibility, low saturation)
- ietonējuma vieglums ― the lightness of the hue
- lightness (low severity)
- soda vieglums ― the lightness of the penalty
- lightness (low depth, low intensity)
- miega vieglums ― the lightness of sleep
- lightness, light-mindedness, frivolity
- rakstura vieglums ― lightness of character
- tieši vieglums, ar kādu draugi plivinājās pa dzīvi, viņu tiem piesaistīja ― precisely the lightness with which (his) friends fluttered through life drew him to them
[edit]singular | plural | |
nominative | vieglums | — |
genitive | viegluma | — |
dative | vieglumam | — |
accusative | vieglumu | — |
instrumental | vieglumu | — |
locative | vieglumā | — |
vocative | vieglum | — |