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By surface analysis, väder (surrounding air) +‎ korn (grain). Attested since the 15th century.



väderkorn n

  1. scent ((good) ability to smell, of an animal, especially a dog)
    1. nose, sense of smell, etc.
      en hund med utmärkt väderkorn
      a dog with an excellent nose
      ha känsligt väderkorn
      have a sensitive nose
      Hundarna använde sitt väderkorn
      The dogs used their sense of smell
      Förhoppningsvis kan han återfå sitt väderkorn
      Hopefully he can regain his (keen) sense of smell
  2. (now uncommon) scent (picking up a scent)
    väderkorn på något
    get scent of something
  3. (figuratively) nose, flair ((good) ability to find out or discover things, "sniff out," intuit developments, etc.)
    ha gott/bra väderkorn
    have a keen nose
    hennes politiska väderkorn
    her flair for politics

Usage notes


More commonly as "få korn på" in (sense 2).


Declension of väderkorn
nominative genitive
singular indefinite väderkorn väderkorns
definite väderkornet väderkornets
plural indefinite

See also


