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Alternative forms

  • renna (West Central Bavarian)



From a merger of transitive / causative Old High German rennan (to make something run or flow) (from Proto-Germanic *rannijaną), and intransitive Old High German rinnan (to run or flow) (from Proto-Germanic *rinnaną). A similar development of merging roots can be seen in Dutch rennen and English run as well. See also German rennen.


  • IPA(key): /ˈre̞nɐn/, /ˈrɛnɐn/



rennan (past participle grennt) (East Central Bavarian, Vienna)

  1. (intransitive) to run; to race; to sprint
    Mia san grennt wia de gsengtn Säu.We ran like maniacs.
  2. (intransitive, of an event) to be in progress; to run
    Des Projekt rennt jetzt.The project is progressing now.
  3. (intransitive, computing) to run, to execute (a program)
    Is Programm rennt net richtig.The program is not running correctly.
  4. (intransitive, of an event) to be in order; to work; to function
    Ois rennt wia's soi.Everything works just fine.
  5. (intransitive, of time) to pass; to flow
    De Zeit rennt schnö.Time passes fast.


Conjugation of rennan
infinitive rennan
past participle grennt
present past subjunctive
1st person singular renn rennad
2nd person singular rennst rennadst
3rd person singular rennt rennad
1st person plural rennan rennadn
2nd person plural rennts rennads
3rd person plural rennan rennadn
singular renn
plural rennts



Derived terms


Old Saxon





  1. Alternative form of rennian