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See also: ražībā





From raža (harvest, yield) +‎ -ība.


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ražība f (4th declension)

  1. (of crops, fruit, livestock) productivity, yield (the quality of that which is productive, fruitful; amount of production obtained per unit area or time)
    kultūraugu ražībacrop productivity, yield
    augļaugu ražībafruit yield
    koka ražībatimber productivity
    lauksaimniecības dzīvnieku ražībalivestock productivity
    normāla, zema ražībanormal, low productivity, yield
    ražības līmenisproductivity level
    vērtēt ražībuto estimate productivity
    kāpināt ražībuto increase productivity
  2. (of land) productivity (the quality of that which is productive; the amount of crops, fruits, etc. obtained per unit time)
    zemes, augsnes ražībaland, soil productivity
    tīrumu ražībafield productivity
    ganību ražībapasture productivity
  3. (of instruments, methods) productivity (the quality of that which is productive; the capacity to produce good results)
    šī mašīna domāta ceļu un laukumu attīrīšanai no akmeņiem un dažādiem netīrumiem; tās ražība: viens miljons kvadrātpēdu virsmas stundāthis machine (is) designed for cleaning rocks and dirt from roads and fields; its productivity: one million square feet of surface per hour



