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See also: produkcijā





From produkts (product) +‎ -ija, with k > c via palatalization. Probably not formed as such in Latvian, but borrowed and adapted from other European languages.


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produkcija f (4th declension)

  1. production (amount of products made (by a state, company, enterprise, individual, etc.) over a certain time period; the resulting products)
    rūpniecības produkcijaindustrial production
    gatavā produkcijafinished products, production
    produkcijas sortimentsthe range of products
    produkcijas kvalitāteproduction quality
    produkcijas piegādeproduction supply, delivery
    jauni produkcijas parauginew production samples
    produkcijas pašizmaksaproduction costs
    bruto, tīrā produkcijabruto, net production
    laikam paši audumu ražotāji lāgā neapzinās, kāda dažādība ir viņu produkcijāsometimes the fabric manufacturers themselves fail to grasp how much diversity there is in their production, products
  2. (in art, in science) production (that which is created)
    Laikā, kad starp dažādām zinātnēm nav novelkamas stingras robežas, galvenā zinātnieku produkcija ir teorija, jo uz teorijas balstās viss pārējais darbsat a time when between the various sciences no strict boundaries are drawn, the main scientific production is theory, because on theory all other work is based


Declension of produkcija (4th declension)
singular plural
nominative produkcija
genitive produkcijas
dative produkcijai
accusative produkciju
instrumental produkciju
locative produkcijā
vocative produkcija






  • IPA(key): /prodǔkt͡sija/
  • Hyphenation: pro‧duk‧ci‧ja



prodùkcija f (Cyrillic spelling проду̀кција)

  1. production

