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From post (post, postal) +‎ ombud (ombud, representative).



postombud n

  1. (obsolete, 1933 to 1980s) a post office proxy, often done as a sideline by shopkeepers or sometimes by lantbrevbärare (rural letter carriers) in the kitchen
  2. (since 2006) a post office proxy, often located at the förbutik (pre-store) of a grocery store; provides services such as selling postage plus sending and receiving parcels and registered mail
    Ditt paket kan hämtas hos närmaste postombud.
    Your parcel can be collected at nearest postal representative.
  3. a business that performs this service
    Hemköp är vårat lokala postombud.
    Hemköp is our local postal representative.


Declension of postombud
nominative genitive
singular indefinite postombud postombuds
definite postombudet postombudets
plural indefinite postombud postombuds
definite postombuden postombudens

See also
