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A paternoster lift.



Calque of German Paternosteraufzug. Compound of paternoster (paternoster; rosary) +‎ hiss (elevator; lift). Named after the constructions visual similarity to a Catholic paternoster (rosary), a byname from the first two words of the Lord's Prayer in Latin, "pater noster" (our father). First attested in 1909.[1]



paternosterhiss c

  1. paternoster (lift; loop of open-fronted cabins)
    Synonym: flaskhiss
    • 1913 January 23, Dagens Nyheter[1], page 3:
      [] i sin nybyggnad vid Kungsträdgårdsgatan inreda en s. k. paternosterhiss []
      [] in its new building at Kungsträdgårdsgatan, furnish a so-called paternoster lift []
  2. manlift (lift; a series of handle-and-step groups)
    Synonym: manlift
    • 2019 July 31, Lennart Lundquist, “Paternosterhiss förbjuds efter allvarlig olycka [Paternoster lift banned after serious accident]”, in Arbetarskydd[2]:
      Hur allvarligt den anställde skadade sig vid olyckan i den så kallad paternosterhissen i december 2018, på Vargön Alloys utanför Vänersborg, framgår inte av Arbetsmiljöverkets förbud.
      How seriously the employee was injured in the accident in the so-called manlift in December 2018, at Vargön Alloys outside Vänersborg, is not clear from the Work Environment Authority's ban.

