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passa sig

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Literally, to watch oneself.



passa sig

  1. to watch out for oneself
    Passaðu þig!
    Watch out!



See passa.





passa sig (present passar sig, preterite passade sig, supine passat sig, imperative passa sig)

  1. (reflexive) to watch out; to beware
    Jag ska passa mig för krokodiler
    I'll watch out for crocodiles
    Passa dig för millenniebuggen!
    Watch out for the Y2K bug!
    Passa dig noga, din jäkel!
    You better watch out, you bastard!
  2. (reflexive) to be appropriate, to be suitable (according to some norm)
    Jeans och t-shirt passar sig inte på Nobelmiddagen
    Jeans and a t-shirt are not suitable for the Nobel Banquet


Conjugation of passa (weak)
active passive
infinitive passa sig
supine passat sig
imperative passa sig
imper. plural1 passen sig
present past present past
indicative passar sig passade sig
ind. plural1 passa sig passade sig
subjunctive2 passe sig passade sig
present participle
past participle

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.


