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Alternative forms




Compound of mottagning (recieval) +‎ -s- +‎ bevis (proof). First attested in 1807.[1]



mottagningsbevis n

  1. A document which prove that something (e.g. money or goods) has been received.
    • 2015 January 30, “Djurtransport polisanmäld [Animal transport reported to the police]”, in Sveriges Radio:
      Enligt Länsstyrelsens anmälan till polisen så fick kontrollanterna kopior på fyra olika mottagningsbevis från de platser där djuren hämtats.
      According to the County Administrative Board's report to the police, inspectors received copies of four different proof-of-receipt documents from the locations where the animals were picked up.
  2. (post, telegram) An advice of delivery, an avis de réception; a proof of retrieval (that the recipient signs before receiving the consignment).
    • 2011 December 6, Ann-Louise Olander, Hanna Folkemark-Ellborg, “Dumpade bilar kostsamt arbete för kommunen [Abandoned cars costly work for the municipality]”, in Ystads Allehanda:
      Står bilen kvar trots flyttbegäran skickas ett brev med mottagningsbevis till ägaren som erbjuder honom eller henne att avsäga sig ägandet.
      If the vehicle remains despite a relocation request, a letter with proof of receipt is sent to the owner, offering them the option to relinquish ownership.
    • 2021 April 16, Johan Ågren, “Förändringar i tobakslagen [Changes in the tobacco law]”, in Ålands Radio and TV:
      Beviset ska från 1 maj 2021 finnas framlagt synligt för kunderna. Ifall man har fått ett mottagningsbevis sen tidigare kan man lägga fram det beviset.
      As of 1 May 2021, this proof must be visibly displayed for customers. If a receipt of notification has already been received, it can be used as the displayed proof.



